Podcast 51 - Party Time!
Podcast 51 - Party Time!

In this week’s Premier Skills English podcast, Rich and Jack talk about the end of the Premier League season, celebrations in Leicester and sightseeing. The language focus is on extreme adjectives and the passive voice.
How much did you understand?
In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some vocabulary that might be new for you. Try the activity below to see how much you understand:
"Claudio Ranieri and the Leicester players were given a guard of honour by the Chelsea players and the Chelsea fans gave the Foxes a standing ovation."
"Leicester City FC and the local council organised a huge party for the city and a victory parade for the players."
Leicester players on the bus at their Premier League victory parade.
Language - Extreme Adjectives
Adjectives can be either gradable or non-gradable. Gradable adjectives are adjectives like ‘cold’ ‘hot’ and ‘frightened’. You can be very cold or a bit cold. Non-gradable adjectives are adjectives like ‘terrifying’, ‘freezing’ and ‘amazing’. They already contain the idea of ‘very’ in their definitions – ‘freezing’ means ‘very cold’ etc. These adjectives are sometimes called extreme adjectives.
In the podcast, Jack and Rich used a few examples of extreme adjectives. Take a look at these examples:
"It’s been an absolutely sensational season with some utterly astounding results."
"Leicester’s win was completely amazing."
Sensational, astounding and amazing are examples of extreme or non-gradable adjectives. With these types of adjective, we can't use modifiers such as 'very', 'a bit' or 'quite' like when we say 'very good', 'a bit hot' or 'quite disappointing'. If you want to make extreme adjectives even stronger, you need to use specific adverbs. The most common ones to use are 'absolutely', 'completely' and 'totally', but there are less common ones such as 'utterly'. Now, have a go at the activity below and if you want to learn more, go to our LearnEnglish website.
Language - The Passive Voice
In the podcast, Jack and Rich used some examples of the passive voice, which we create with the verb to be + past participle (3rd form of the verb). You can see two examples from the podcast below. We use the passive when it's not important or we don't know who did the action, when the main topic (the subject) isn't what did the action, or we want to put the most important thing at the beginning of the sentence.
"The Clock Tower was built in 1868." = We know that builders build so it is not important to say who built the Clock Tower.
"The Clock Tower is named after four important people." = It's more important to say who the Clock Tower is named after, rather than who chose to name the tower after these people.
If you want to learn more, try the activity below and look at our Learn English Grammar Pages.
There were an estimated 240,000 fans at Leicester City's victory party!
Rich: Hello my name’s Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.
Jack: Hi everyone. I’m Jack and every week we talk about football and help you with your English.
Rich: Remember, this week’s podcast is also part of Week 2 of our new course: Leicester City: Champions of England. You can enroll on week two of the course on this page following the link at the side of the page or at the bottom if you’re on a mobile.
Jack: If you haven’t started the course yet, you can also go back and enroll on week one. We’ve also put a link to the content for week one on this page. The course lasts four weeks and when you get to the end there will be a nice certificate waiting for you.
Rich: And you will have improved your English skills and learned much more about Leicester City - the new Champions of England.
Jack: In this week’s Premier Skills English podcast we’re talking about the end of the Premier League season, celebrations in Leicester and sightseeing. The language focus is on extreme adjectives and the passive voice.
Rich: We had a new football phrase for you to guess last week. It was quite a challenging one and we only had one correct answer.
Jack: Yes, well done to HassanRaja447 from Pakistan who correctly said that the football phrase was to lift the trophy.
Rich: Leicester City lifted the trophy at their home match against Everton and we’ll be talking much more about Leicester’s title celebrations a little later on.
Jack: Last week we also asked you to tell us some adjectives to describe Leicester’s title win. Kwesimanifest from Ghana said Leicester’s win was incredible, impeccable and encouraging. These are great words and he also gave reasons for his answers. I liked his thoughts about why Leicester’s win was encouraging. He said the win gives hope to all underdogs, within sport, and in life more generally.
Rich: One of the words that Haydi from Tunisia used to describe Leicester’s success was ‘fairytale’ because Claudio Ranieri was not welcome at first but he finished as the winner. Haydi compared Leicester’s win to the fairytale ‘Cinderella’ and I think this is a good comparison.
Jack: You could call it a rags to riches story. This is an expression used about stories that involve people starting from very poor or humble origins to becoming very rich or successful. Rags are very old clothes that are often torn and dirty.
Rich: I’m not sure that Leicester players were ever in rags but I understand the idea.
Jack: AssemJuve from Palestine used wonderful, stunning and amazing. I really like these types of adjective. We sometimes call them extreme or non-gradable adjectives because we can’t grade them or change them with words like ‘very’.
Rich: Wonderful already means very good so we can’t say very wonderful. Another example is freezing. Freezing already means very cold so we can’t say very freezing.
Jack: There are some special words we can use, however, to make these words stronger. We can use words like ‘absolutely’, ‘completely’ or ‘totally’. So we can say ‘I’m absolutely freezing’ or ‘Leicester’s win was ‘totally stunning’ or ‘completely amazing’.
Rich: Let’s move on to the next part of this week’s show, which is going to be absolutely amazing!
Jack: What’s been happening in the Premier League this week, Rich?
Rich: It was the last week of the Premier League season.
Jack: Are you sad to see the end?
Rich: Yes, it’s been an absolutely sensational season with some utterly astounding results.
Jack: The biggest surprise was of course, Leicester and they finished their season at Chelsea.
Rich: Yes, it was an emotional afternoon for the Leicester manager Claudio Ranieri. Ranieri used to be the manager of Chelsea and, before the match, he was given a special trophy by Chelsea football club and, along with the Leicester players, he was given a guard of honour by the Chelsea players and the Chelsea fans gave the Foxes a standing ovation and sang Ranieri’s name.
Jack: OK, let’s talk about what a guard of honour and a standing ovation are.
Rich: A guard of honour is usually performed by the military when there is an important visitor. Soldiers stand in two rows with their arms in the air to welcome the visitor and the visitor walks under the arms.
Jack: And in football?
Rich: There are no soldiers! Traditionally, the new Champions are given a guard of honour by the next team they play. The players of that team, instead of the soldiers, create the guard of honour. Chelsea didn’t have to do it because Everton had done it the week before, but they decided to do it to respect the new champions and their old manager.
Jack: Honour is a noun and it combines respect, honesty and being proud of something. And to do something in honour of somebody is to show great respect to somebody. So Chelsea made the guard of honour in honour of Leicester the new champions.
Rich: And the fans also gave Leicester a standing ovation. An ovation is when lots of fans or spectators, or an audience clap very loudly because they are happy and a group of players or other performers have done particularly well. . A standing ovation is when you do this standing up!
Jack: You don’t often see fans of the other team singing and cheering in a nice way about the other team and manager! It’s actually really nice to see. So, Leicester finished the season 10 points ahead of the rest.
Rich: Yes, and in the end it was Arsenal who finished second, Spurs third and Manchester City 4th, who all qualify for next season’s Champions League.
Jack: And you hope that Liverpool can join them, too?
Rich: Yes, if Liverpool beat Sevilla in the Europa League Final on Wednesday, the Premier League will have five teams in next season’s Champions League.
Jack: And who are we saying goodbye to?
Rich: We’ve known for a long time that Aston Villa were relegated but we know now that Norwich City and Newcastle Utd will join them in the Championship next season.
Jack: Rafa Benitez couldn’t stop Newcastle’s relegation but Sunderland managed to stay up again. It’s amazing, they manage to escape every season. I think they only play well in the spring!
Rich: Maybe they will do a Leicester next season?!
Jack: Which teams are going to replace them?
Rich: Burnley return to the Premier League after just one season away and Middlesborough also return to the Premier League after seven years. We will have to wait to see who joins them. There are four teams in the playoffs and one of them will also win promotion.
Jack: The City of Leicester are celebrating this week. Now the season has ended, the club and the local council organised a huge party for the city and a victory parade for the players. A parade is a public celebration with decorated vehicles that follows a specific route.
Rich: The Leicester players were on an open top bus, which is a bus with two floors and the upstairs part is without a roof. The bus went through the city of Leicester with thousands of fans cheering the team as it went past.
Jack: Let’s speak about where the bus went and some places in Leicester. We’d like you to think about where a bus would go in a city in your country because this is one of the activities we would like you to do this week.
Rich: The party took place on Monday and there were an estimated 100,000 people watching and taking part in the celebrations.
Jack: The parade started in Jubilee Square in Leicester City Centre. Jubilee Square is a new square in Leicester that was built in 2013 to celebrate the Queen’s diamond jubilee in 2012.
Rich: A jubilee is special anniversary, usually used for anniversaries of when kings and queens started their reign, and a diamond jubilee is a jubilee that celebrates 60 years.
Jack: After Jubilee Square, the next stop on the bus route was the Clock Tower in Leicester city centre. This is the old part of Leicester. the Clock Tower was built in 1868 and it is a major meeting point in Leicester.
Rich: The tower is named after four important people in the 19th century who were from Leicester.
Jack: The bus then goes up London Road and past Curve which is a theatre designed by Rafael Vinoly, a famous architect from Uruguay.
Rich: The parade then goes past Leicester train station. Leicester was one of the first cities to be served by railway when the train first arrived in the city in 1832. The station was rebuilt in the 1870s and is beautiful example of Victorian architecture. The station clock is the only one in the UK that still needs to be wound up by hand!
Jack: I bet you need strong hands to wind that clock up! The bus then finished its journey in Victoria Park where the players were greeted by 100,000 fans and celebrated on stage with the trophy.
Rich: The park was opened in 1882 and in the 1880s a football team called Leicester Fosse, later to become Leicester City, played here so it was probably a good place to have the party!
Jack: It looked like a great celebration. Right, when we were talking about Leicester’s parade you might have noticed we used lots of examples of the passive.
Rich: Jack said ‘The Clock Tower was built in 1868’ and ‘ the tower is named after four important people’.
Jack: We form the passive with the verb ‘to be’ in the correct form like the present or the past and add the third form of the verb or the past participle. We use the passive when the thing that did the action is not important, or we’re not sure who did the action, or it is obvious.
Rich: Everybody knows that builders build things. It is obvious. It’s not necessary to say ‘Builders built the Clock Tower in 1868’. In the other example we don’t know who did the naming so we can’t use a natural sounding active sentence so we use a passive sentence.
Jack: We’ve got more examples of how to use the passive on the Podcast page on the Premier Skills English website if you want to learn more.
Rich: That brings us to this week’s questions. Question 1: Can you describe a parade route for a winning football team from a city in your country? Which landmarks would the bus pass?
Jack: Question 2: Leicester celebrated in their city with an open top bus parade. How do winning teams celebrate their successes in your country?
Rich: Question 3: What are some of the most famous landmarks and buildings in your city? Can you tell us about them? Can you use the passive to describe some of the buildings?
Jack: If you want to learn more about Leicester City, the players and the club, and learn more football English, then sign up for our new course: Leicester City: Champions of England.
Rich: And remember, if you want us to correct your comments just write ‘correct me’ at the beginning of your message.
Rich: Right, do you have a new football phrase for our listeners to guess, Jack?
Jack: Yes, I do. This week’s football phrase is ** ** **** *** ****. It is a cliche that is used in football a lot by players and managers in interviews. I imagine everyone connected to Leicester City is **** *** **** at the moment. It means to be very, very happy. It is the opposite of the cliche to be sick as a parrot which means to be very, very disappointed. To find the answer to this week’s football phrase you probably have to look up to the sky!
Rich: It’s a strange phrase but these types of phrases are definitely interesting to learn.
Jack: Have you got a prediction for us this week, Rich?
Rich: The Premier League season may be over but Manchester Utd and Crystal Palace are not on their holidays yet. This weekend sees the two teams play in the 135th FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium. United have won the Cup 11 times and Crystal Palace have never won it so Utd are the favourites. It’s a repeat of the 1990 final when the match finished in a 3-3 draw and Utd won a replay 1-0. There are no replays these days and I can’t see this match having so many goals. I’m going to go for a Utd win. Final score: Manchester Utd 3-1 Crystal Palace
Jack: In this season of shocks, I’m going to go for the underdog. I think Palace will win 1-0.
Rich: Remember! If you want to sign up for our new football English course about Leicester City, just click the link on the side of this page.
Jack: Right, anyway that’s it for today - we’ve run out of time! Thanks for listening. And don’t forget to write your answers to our questions, your predictions and anything you want to say about the website or football English in the comments below.
Rich: Don’t forget if you sign in, you can score points to see if you can get your club, your country and your name to the top of our leaderboard.
Jack: Bye for now and enjoy your football!
Please login to take this quiz.
What do you think?
In this week’s podcast, we spoke about Leicester's victory parade. We would like you to think about where victory celebrations would take place in a city in your country.
Can you describe a parade route for a winning football team from a city in your country? Which landmarks and famous places would the bus pass?
Leicester celebrated in their city with an open top bus parade. How do winning teams celebrate their successes in your country?
What are some of the most famous landmarks and buildings in your city? Can you tell us about them? Can you use the passive to describe some of the buildings?
Rich predicts that Manchester Utd will beat Crystal Palace 3-1 in this weekend's FA Cup Final. Do you agree?
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The World cup is located in Qatar and is watched by all fans from all countries.
08/12/2022 15:37
The World cup is located in Qatar and is watched by all fans from all countries.
In France, it' s the same thing, we celebrate winning Championship with an open top bus... it's so good to see players on top of the bus and celebrating with us...
08/12/2022 15:32
In France, it' s the same thing, we celebrate winning Championship with an open top bus... it's so good to see players on top of the bus and celebrating with us...
Unfortunately I can't remember the parade route for my winning club but I can remember the one for the France Team in the last World Cup.
08/12/2022 15:25
Unfortunately I can't remember the parade route for my winning club but I can remember the one for the France Team in the last World Cup.
I agree with Rich's prediction. MU knows how to win a final.
08/12/2022 15:23
I agree with Rich's prediction. MU knows how to win a final.
• What do you think?
1-3- This is a suggested parade route in İstanbul for my team that champion of 2021. It starts from "Taksim Square". There is "National Independence Victory Statue" was made by Italian sculptor Pietro Canonica in 1928. The parade goes "Barbaros Boulevard" via district of "Mecidiyeköy". At the end of this boulevard they reach my team stadium called "Vodafone Park" that was designed by architects Bünyamin Derman and Metin Demir and built in 2016.
2- Same as UK. An open top bus parade. In addition, boat tour on the sea.
• Your freezing jokes make me relief in this hottest days of summer time.They're giving sensational emotions and deserve a standing ovation.
• My hometown isn't to be served by railway. I think invention of "flying taxi" should be waited to solve this issue-:)
• That is an digital o'clock work with battery no need wind it up.
• "Jubilee" has different meaning in my language. When a player end up her/his football career. Some events that arranged for this like playing a special match, giving plaque and this player's tour in front of fans on the pitch with teammates.
02/07/2021 13:25
Tottenham Hotspur
• What do you think?
1-3- This is a suggested parade route in İstanbul for my team that champion of 2021. It starts from "Taksim Square". There is "National Independence Victory Statue" was made by Italian sculptor Pietro Canonica in 1928. The parade goes "Barbaros Boulevard" via district of "Mecidiyeköy". At the end of this boulevard they reach my team stadium called "Vodafone Park" that was designed by architects Bünyamin Derman and Metin Demir and built in 2016.
2- Same as UK. An open top bus parade. In addition, boat tour on the sea.
• Your freezing jokes make me relief in this hottest days of summer time.They're giving sensational emotions and deserve a standing ovation.
• My hometown isn't to be served by railway. I think invention of "flying taxi" should be waited to solve this issue-:)
• That is an digital o'clock work with battery no need wind it up.
• "Jubilee" has different meaning in my language. When a player end up her/his football career. Some events that arranged for this like playing a special match, giving plaque and this player's tour in front of fans on the pitch with teammates.
I was afraid of losing the title but luckily we saved the season by being the FA Cup Champions :)
13/05/2020 04:24
Manchester United
I was afraid of losing the title but luckily we saved the season by being the FA Cup Champions :)
The football phrase is ( on cloud nine ) or ( over the moon )
13/05/2020 04:23
Manchester United
The football phrase is ( on cloud nine ) or ( over the moon )
The most famous landmarks in Izmir are :
1. Balcova Teleferik
It was built in 1974vand there are 20 cable cars altogether. Each cable car is able to carry 4 persons. The distance from the bottom of the hill to the top is 1000 metres.
2. Ephesus
It is an ancient Greek settlement and it's considered as one of the best preserved archaeological sites in the mediterranean area. It's is located only an hour-ride away from Izmir
3. Kadifekale
It's Izmir's most famous castle and it was founded under Alexander the Great's dominion and it's located up Pagos Hill. It affords great views of the whole city and at sunset, the call to prayer echoes throughout the whole city.
It's also ideal for a suggestive hike
4. The Clock Tower
It's the most iconic landmark and it's called Saat Kulesi in Turkish
It was donated to the city by German Emperor Wilhelm II and it is an excellent example of Ottoman architecture.
It's very close to my own flat by the way just 10 minutes walking :)
5. Asansör ( The Lift )
It was built in 1907 by Nesim Levi to allow people to climb the elevated part of the area that is separated by the coastal strait by a steep cliff with a total of 155 stairs.
The street is named Dario Moreno street in memory of the singer-composer who had actually bought a house for his mother in that street and had lived there in the first phases of his fame.
Also 5 minutes walking from my home :)
13/05/2020 04:22
Manchester United
The most famous landmarks in Izmir are :
1. Balcova Teleferik
It was built in 1974vand there are 20 cable cars altogether. Each cable car is able to carry 4 persons. The distance from the bottom of the hill to the top is 1000 metres.
2. Ephesus
It is an ancient Greek settlement and it's considered as one of the best preserved archaeological sites in the mediterranean area. It's is located only an hour-ride away from Izmir
3. Kadifekale
It's Izmir's most famous castle and it was founded under Alexander the Great's dominion and it's located up Pagos Hill. It affords great views of the whole city and at sunset, the call to prayer echoes throughout the whole city.
It's also ideal for a suggestive hike
4. The Clock Tower
It's the most iconic landmark and it's called Saat Kulesi in Turkish
It was donated to the city by German Emperor Wilhelm II and it is an excellent example of Ottoman architecture.
It's very close to my own flat by the way just 10 minutes walking :)
5. Asansör ( The Lift )
It was built in 1907 by Nesim Levi to allow people to climb the elevated part of the area that is separated by the coastal strait by a steep cliff with a total of 155 stairs.
The street is named Dario Moreno street in memory of the singer-composer who had actually bought a house for his mother in that street and had lived there in the first phases of his fame.
Also 5 minutes walking from my home :)
We do celebrate with an open bus as well
It's kind of similar between the same ways of celebration
13/05/2020 04:06
Manchester United
We do celebrate with an open bus as well
It's kind of similar between the same ways of celebration
The parade route should start from the Culture Park which it the fair book park too then it should move towards the Clock Tower in Konak then in front of Tarinhi Asansor ( Historic Lift ) later it will be gone straight to Ephasus where it's a historical wide place for fans and players to gather and celebrate
13/05/2020 04:05
Manchester United
The parade route should start from the Culture Park which it the fair book park too then it should move towards the Clock Tower in Konak then in front of Tarinhi Asansor ( Historic Lift ) later it will be gone straight to Ephasus where it's a historical wide place for fans and players to gather and celebrate
correct me
15/11/2016 13:52
Leicester City
correct me
The phrase is glad to win.
20/07/2016 13:44
The phrase is glad to win.
Welcome back to Premier Skills English Assemjuve!
We haven't seen you for a long time!
The phrase in this podcast is 'to be over the moon' which means to be very, very happy.
Best wishes,
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
20/07/2016 17:45
Welcome back to Premier Skills English Assemjuve!
We haven't seen you for a long time!
The phrase in this podcast is 'to be over the moon' which means to be very, very happy.
Best wishes,
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
I thin Man United will win 2-1.
20/07/2016 13:43
I thin Man United will win 2-1.
They celebrate by luxury cars,they would pass near the Abu dhabi Cornich,Emirates palace.
20/07/2016 13:42
They celebrate by luxury cars,they would pass near the Abu dhabi Cornich,Emirates palace.
23/06/2016 13:02
Manchester City
YES I do my best
23/06/2016 12:55
Manchester City
YES I do my best
it's all right.
23/06/2016 12:38
Manchester City
it's all right.
Are Newcastle Utd. relegated?
By the way, would you please give me an idea about rules of relagation?
How a team is judged up, and the other down the ensemble of the Premier League?
23/05/2016 17:40
Newcastle United
Are Newcastle Utd. relegated?
By the way, would you please give me an idea about rules of relagation?
How a team is judged up, and the other down the ensemble of the Premier League?
Correct me please: I guess that we need to use 'in' and 'out' here not 'up' and 'down', because we speak about an ensemble, not a table. For the relegation, I know about the rule of 3 or 1 or zero points. The new for me that always three clubs must be relegated and replaced by the most successful three in the second division. I understand now why you (Rich) predicted that Leicester will finish in the Premier League table in the seventeenth place. The eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth are reserved for relegated teams.
25/05/2016 17:38
Newcastle United
Correct me please: I guess that we need to use 'in' and 'out' here not 'up' and 'down', because we speak about an ensemble, not a table. For the relegation, I know about the rule of 3 or 1 or zero points. The new for me that always three clubs must be relegated and replaced by the most successful three in the second division. I understand now why you (Rich) predicted that Leicester will finish in the Premier League table in the seventeenth place. The eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth are reserved for relegated teams.
Hi Haydi
When we talk about a football club that has been relegated or promoted we usually use up and down. So, unfortunately, Newcastle Utd have gone down (been relegated); Middlesbrough (another team from the north east of England have gone up (been promoted).
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
26/05/2016 08:22
Hi Haydi
When we talk about a football club that has been relegated or promoted we usually use up and down. So, unfortunately, Newcastle Utd have gone down (been relegated); Middlesbrough (another team from the north east of England have gone up (been promoted).
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
thank you Rich, it's go up / down! So the three teams to be promoted must be from the same area than the three to be relegated!
29/05/2016 23:42
Newcastle United
thank you Rich, it's go up / down! So the three teams to be promoted must be from the same area than the three to be relegated!
No, they can be from anywhere in the country. It's just a coincidence that Middlesbrough and Newcastle are from the same area.
30/05/2016 08:21
No, they can be from anywhere in the country. It's just a coincidence that Middlesbrough and Newcastle are from the same area.
ok, thank you Rich for clarifying this point.
31/05/2016 17:37
Newcastle United
ok, thank you Rich for clarifying this point.
Yes, I'm sorry. Newcastle were relegated this season. You can see the final Premier League table here: http://www.premierleague.com/en-gb/matchday/league-table.html Each season three teams are relegated based on the number of points they collect from all their matches (3 points for a win and 1 for a draw).
23/05/2016 17:52
Yes, I'm sorry. Newcastle were relegated this season. You can see the final Premier League table here: http://www.premierleague.com/en-gb/matchday/league-table.html Each season three teams are relegated based on the number of points they collect from all their matches (3 points for a win and 1 for a draw).
oh! What a bad news! unfortunately, they need to start from the beginning again. Nevertheless, they stay a big team, having thousands of fans through the world (or across? the world) despite their moderate results.
Thank you for the link.
25/05/2016 17:25
Newcastle United
oh! What a bad news! unfortunately, they need to start from the beginning again. Nevertheless, they stay a big team, having thousands of fans through the world (or across? the world) despite their moderate results.
Thank you for the link.
This week's football phrase: Leicester City is ‘a fortress’ !
23/05/2016 16:22
Newcastle United
This week's football phrase: Leicester City is ‘a fortress’ !
I was really excited over the weekend for United's win over palace. I had just finished writing my last paper for the academic year and was hopeful for a victory to crown my day. I must say was a little disappointed in the 1st half performance of united but thanks to jesse we lifted the FA Cup for the 1st time sine 2004. Go
23/05/2016 07:25
Manchester United
I was really excited over the weekend for United's win over palace. I had just finished writing my last paper for the academic year and was hopeful for a victory to crown my day. I must say was a little disappointed in the 1st half performance of united but thanks to jesse we lifted the FA Cup for the 1st time sine 2004. Go
Congratulations to Manchester Utd and congratulations to you for finishing your final paper!
23/05/2016 16:48
Congratulations to Manchester Utd and congratulations to you for finishing your final paper!
ans what's this "final paper" ? it's an exam?
30/05/2016 00:43
Newcastle United
ans what's this "final paper" ? it's an exam?
A paper is usually a type of essay/assignment written at school or more commonly university. We need to ask Kwesimanifest (see message above) if that's right in his case!
30/05/2016 08:15
A paper is usually a type of essay/assignment written at school or more commonly university. We need to ask Kwesimanifest (see message above) if that's right in his case!
This week's phrase is **** *** ****
23/05/2016 07:21
Manchester United
This week's phrase is **** *** ****
Well done Kwesimanifest!
23/05/2016 08:20
Well done Kwesimanifest!
I think this week's phrase is to be very excited
20/05/2016 15:13
Manchester United
I think this week's phrase is to be very excited
1.The parade can start at Chouhada (Martyrs) Square, nicknamed Horse Square in memory of the De Bourmont statue built there in the beginning of the colonisation and removed in 1962 at the independance day. It will go past the great Post Office built by a French Architect in the nineteen century using both Local and Western style. I imagine it can go east to the new park and its monument elevated in 1986.
2.In Algiers it is celebrated by a great parade of vehicles.
Man United will lift the trophy.
They will be on the air after a sad season in Premier League.
18/05/2016 16:47
Manchester City
1.The parade can start at Chouhada (Martyrs) Square, nicknamed Horse Square in memory of the De Bourmont statue built there in the beginning of the colonisation and removed in 1962 at the independance day. It will go past the great Post Office built by a French Architect in the nineteen century using both Local and Western style. I imagine it can go east to the new park and its monument elevated in 1986.
2.In Algiers it is celebrated by a great parade of vehicles.
Man United will lift the trophy.
They will be on the air after a sad season in Premier League.
Is there any prize to your champions on leaderboard?
18/05/2016 14:59
Is there any prize to your champions on leaderboard?
Dear Kubwimana
We don't offer a prize. Last year, we sent the winner (Rema) a football shirt before we reset the leaderboard, but this year we're thinking of doing something else. Not sure yet - we'll let you know.
Jack - The Premier Skills English team
18/05/2016 18:49
Dear Kubwimana
We don't offer a prize. Last year, we sent the winner (Rema) a football shirt before we reset the leaderboard, but this year we're thinking of doing something else. Not sure yet - we'll let you know.
Jack - The Premier Skills English team
I'm happy to join this helpful website
18/05/2016 14:57
I'm happy to join this helpful website
Hello everyone
18/05/2016 14:56
Hello everyone
I also think that this week's football phrase is **** *** ****.
17/05/2016 20:16
Manchester City
I also think that this week's football phrase is **** *** ****.
Well done SalvaGH!
17/05/2016 22:42
Well done SalvaGH!
I predict a 2-0 win for Manchester United over Crystal Palace in the FA Cup Final.
17/05/2016 20:10
Manchester City
I predict a 2-0 win for Manchester United over Crystal Palace in the FA Cup Final.
Some famous landmarks in my country are the Black Star square, Nkrumah circle, Accra Sports stadium, National theatre, Children's park, Accra International Conference Centre among others.
The black star square was built in the mid 90's and is a venue for celebration of our independence each year.
The Nkrumah circle is name after our 1st president and it's in a way centre of the country with almost every destination's vehicle available within the various bus terminals around the area.
The children'spark was built in the late 90's and is anot amusement park for children with lots of play materials available for children.
17/05/2016 15:39
Manchester United
Some famous landmarks in my country are the Black Star square, Nkrumah circle, Accra Sports stadium, National theatre, Children's park, Accra International Conference Centre among others.
The black star square was built in the mid 90's and is a venue for celebration of our independence each year.
The Nkrumah circle is name after our 1st president and it's in a way centre of the country with almost every destination's vehicle available within the various bus terminals around the area.
The children'spark was built in the late 90's and is anot amusement park for children with lots of play materials available for children.
Winning teams in Ghana also have buses they parade the town with to display their trophy but it's normally covered. So players open up windows and show their medals if any or the trophy as they wave alongside.
Other times some use open trailers with a structure constructed to protect the players from falling over and the trophy is then showed to the fans.
17/05/2016 15:27
Manchester United
Winning teams in Ghana also have buses they parade the town with to display their trophy but it's normally covered. So players open up windows and show their medals if any or the trophy as they wave alongside.
Other times some use open trailers with a structure constructed to protect the players from falling over and the trophy is then showed to the fans.
In 2006, Accra Hearts of Oak won the Ghana Premier League and had a parade to show their trophy to their fans. They set off from the Accra sports stadium through the National theatre and made a stop at the Nkrumah circle. From there they moved through Palladium to James Town where they stopped at the Lighthouse receiving praise and commendations from their fans. The bus moved through the John Evans Attached Mills highway and made a final stop at the Black Star square where over 10,000 fans where waiting to party with their players.
17/05/2016 15:23
Manchester United
In 2006, Accra Hearts of Oak won the Ghana Premier League and had a parade to show their trophy to their fans. They set off from the Accra sports stadium through the National theatre and made a stop at the Nkrumah circle. From there they moved through Palladium to James Town where they stopped at the Lighthouse receiving praise and commendations from their fans. The bus moved through the John Evans Attached Mills highway and made a final stop at the Black Star square where over 10,000 fans where waiting to party with their players.
I predict 1-0 for Crystal palace
17/05/2016 15:19
I predict 1-0 for Crystal palace
In my country teams don't have parade at time they won league because it may cost so much while the value of cup is low.
17/05/2016 15:17
In my country teams don't have parade at time they won league because it may cost so much while the value of cup is low.
United 3-0 palace
17/05/2016 15:10
Manchester United
United 3-0 palace