Podcast 27
Podcast 27

In this week's podcast, Rich and Jack disagree about who is the Premier League's best striker. The language focus is phrases you can use to agree or disagree with someone. We also have a new riddle in our 'What's my Team?' competition!
How to enter the competition?
Press play on the podcast below
Listen to Chris, who is this week's Premier League fan.
Guess Chris' favourite team.
Write your answer in the comments section at the bottom of this page.
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How much did you understand?
In this podcast, Rich and Jack used some vocabulary that might have been new for you. Try the activities below to see how much you understand:
"Leicester City are the best team in the Premier League on current form."
"We were trying to raise awareness about issues connected to the environment."
Jamie Vardy has scored in 10 consecutive matches, which is a Premier League record.
Language - Agreeing and Disagreeing
In the podcast, Jack and Rich disagreed about who has been the best Premier League striker in the last 10 years. If you want to learn more about the language of agreeing and disagreeing, have a go at the activities below, or, take a look at this on our Learn English Teens website.
"You say Rooney is the best striker of the last 10 years! I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree with you there."
"Well, we don’t see eye to eye on this one but I suppose we can agree on Jamie Vardy being the best on current form?"
Some more phrases for agreeing and disagreeing:
Partly agreeing
That's right!
I don't agree!
I agree up to a point, but...
I totally disagree!
I see your point, but....
Absolutely not!
That's partly true, but....
Me too!
That's not right!
I'm not so sure about that.
Yes, I agree!
I'm not sure about that.
I totally agree!
We don't see eye to eye on this one.
I couldn't agree more!
I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you there.
I see exactly what you mean!
You're right. That's a good point!
Rich: Hello my name’s Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.
Jack: Hi everyone. I’m Jack and every week we talk about football and help you with your English.
Rich: This week, we’re going to talk about Premier League strikers, the language focus is on phrases that are used to agree and disagree and later I will make another Premier League prediction.
Jack: I’m going to talk about the striker I think is the best in the Premier League.
Rich: And I don’t agree with you, but let’s talk about that later.
Jack: And you have another chance to win a Samsung Galaxy tablet in our ‘What’s my Team?’ competition.
Rich: What was the answer to last week’s riddle Jack?
Jack: Ah, yes. Last week it was Ellie... her favourite Premier League team is West Ham Utd.
Rich: We had lots of correct entries so congratulations to everybody who got it right. I think this one was quite difficult because of the name Ellie used to describe West Ham’s ground. She correctly called it the Boleyn Ground.
Jack: But, it’s more commonly known as Upton Park, which is the area of London where the stadium is.
Rich: The stadium is named after Anne Boleyn, who was Queen of England in the 16th century and the second of Henry VIII’s six wives.
Jack: I never know why it’s pronounced the Boleyn Ground like ten pin bowling rather than Boleyn like Anne Boleyn.
Rich: No idea, on that one. It could be the local accent. Maybe a West Ham fan can let us know?
Jack: Right, anyway, who is this week’s winner?
Rich: We have selected a winner at random from the correct answers and the ninth winner of the What’s my team? competition is Elghoul an Arsenal fan from Algeria. Congratulations Elghoul, we’ll be in contact with you this week.
Jack: Well done Elghoul! Later on in the podcast, you can listen to this week’s What’s my team riddleRich: Last week, we spoke a little bit about the environment and asked you what environmental problems there are in your country.
Jack: We had lots of responses and it was really interesting to learn about some of the problems that people face in countries across the world.
Rich: Sadulla, GunnerUZ and RuslanJon, all from Uzbekistan spoke about the Aral Sea, which has been shrinking, which means getting smaller, for the past few decades. This is a big problem in the region and means there is less drinking water for the local population.
Jack: Volodymyr from Ukraine and Polevoy2000 from Belarus spoke about the continuing problems of nuclear radiation from Chernobyl after a nuclear accident there nearly 30 years ago.
Rich: Volodymyr also spoke about soil erosion, which is when the top level of soil disappears, because of people digging in the ground for amber.
Jack: Amber is a fossilised part of the tree that is orange and often used in jewellery like necklaces and bracelets.
Rich: Abdallah from Kuwait and JelenaN from Bosnia spoke about old cars on the street that cause lots of pollution.
Jack: And Michelterzikhan from Armenia talked about water pollution and how rubbish or waste is often just thrown in rivers and streams.
Rich: Antonio Contreras from Portugal and Rafael24 from Ecuador both said the biggest problem was that people aren’t aware of these problems because they aren’t taught about them. They have no awareness of the problems.
Jack: ‘Awareness’ that’s a good word. It means to know that something, often a problem, exists and usually to be interested in it.
Rich: So in last week’s podcast we were trying to raise awareness about issues connected to the environment.
Jack: And we also had lots of responses about what you do help the environment or to be environmentally friendly.
Rich: Aragorn1986 from Montenegro helps clean up the area he lives by picking up any plastic and waste every Saturday.
Jack: Safwan 20000 from Saudi Arabia saves water when he shaves and brushes his teeth.
Rich: Nyinyi from Myanmar is part of a group at university that helps clean the local neighbourhood and talks about environmental problems.
Jack: And Shefeek, in India, reuses rain water and grows his own vegetables without fertilisers because they often contain chemicals that harm the environment.
Rich: Rafael24 in Ecuador will go on a march, which is a kind of organised protest, with many others this month to put pressure on global leaders to take action on climate change.
Jack: It’s great to see so many of our listeners doing things to help the environment.
Rich: But our favourite comment from last week has to be Nikosonris from Ukraine. He says to save electricity he has a candlelit dinner with his wife once a week. How romantic!
Jack: You said earlier that we were going to talk about Premier League strikers.
Rich: Yes, I did. Last weekend, Leicester City striker, Jamie Vardy, scored for the 10th consecutive Premier League match.
Jack: And by doing this, he equalled the Premier League record. Ruud van Nistelrooy did the same thing for Manchester Utd back in 2003.
Rich: And Vardy will want to break that record this weekend when Leicester play, surprise, surprise, Manchester Utd.
Jack: It’s not the only surprise. Leicester, thanks to Vardy’s goals, are now top of the Premier League. So this weekend’s match will be first against second. Who would have predicted that at the start of the season?Rich: Not me, that’s for sure - you know what my predictions are like!
Jack: And Vardy, the best striker in the Premier League on current form will be playing against, probably the best Premier League striker of the last 10 years - Wayne Rooney.
Rich: Wayne Rooney? I’m not sure about that, but, first, let’s look at this word ‘form’, it’s one that we often use. We say ‘current form’, ‘in great form’, ‘in bad form’.
Jack: It means how well, or badly, a player or team is performing, so we say Jamie Vardy is ‘in great form’ or Leicester City are the best team in the Premier League ‘on current form’ and ‘current’ means ‘at the moment’.
Rich: Anyway, you say Rooney is the best striker of the last 10 years. I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree with you there. What about Sergio Aguero, Luis Suarez, Robin van Persie??
Jack: Yes, I know. I knew this might cause a few disagreements.
Rich: How did you decide? What was your criteria?
Jack: Well, the first thing I thought about was the amount of goals they had scored. I didn’t want to include strikers that only played in the Premier League for one or two seasons. I wanted to find the best Premier League striker of the last 10 years.
Rich: So what did you do?
Jack: I only included strikers that had scored more than 100 Premier League goals.
Rich: That’s not right! You can’t do that! By doing that it means you can’t choose Luis Suarez, who only got 69 goals or Sergio Aguero who’s currently got 85.
Jack: Well Suarez only played in the Premier League for three and a half seasons and I’m looking at Premier League strikers so we’re going to have to agree to disagree there.
Rich: And Aguero?
Jack: Well, I see your point and he might become the best Premier League striker but he’s still only got 85 goals and Rooney has got 187 - more than double Aguero’s total and he’s been doing it for over 10 years.
Rich: Well, we don’t see eye to eye on this one but I suppose we can agree on Jamie Vardy being the best on current form?
Jack: Yes, absolutely! I’m with you 100% on that one!
Rich: You may have noticed that we used some different phrases to agree and disagree there. We’ve put some activities to help you with these below and a link to our Learn English Teens website to help you with this topic.
Jack: And in the comments tell us if you agree or disagree with what we said by using the same phrases or any other phrases you use to agree or disagree with someone.
Rich: Right, I think it’s time for this week’s competition: ‘What’s my Team?’
Jack: Here is what you have to do. Listen to a Premier League fan, who will talk about their favourite team and then write the name of the team in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website.
Rich: And for each of the 20 podcast competitions the lucky winner will receive a fantastic Samsung Galaxy Tablet. We wish you the best of luck!
Jack: Right, so this week, our Premier League fan is Chris. Listen to Chris’ riddle and try to work out what’s her team?
Chris: The area around our club was really well-known for coal mining and our new stadium was called The Stadium of Light - named after the thousands of coal miners and Black Cat supporters who would come back to the surface after working all day underground. There aren’t as many miners these days but we all still get behind the team especially when we play the Geordies from up the road!
Jack: The Stadium of Light - what a great name for a football stadium. Now, it’s time for your prediction Rich. How did you do last week?
Rich: Not many of you predicted a Liverpool win last weekend but well done to SasaDj from Bosnia and to Ruslanjon, GunnerUZ and Alexsandr who all predicted a Liverpool win. There are some great predictors in Uzbekistan!
Jack: And you?
Rich: Last week I got my prediction wrong again. I said Manchester City would draw with Liverpool but I did say that Liverpool might surprise CIty and they definitely did that in an amazing 4-1 win. The first 30 minutes were probably the best any team have ever played anywhere…
Jack: Ok, Rich, calm down. Liverpool played well, I totally agree..now what about this week.
Rich: Well, I’m going to talk about the top of the table match between Premier League leaders Leicester City, let me repeat that, Premier League leaders Leicester City and Manchester Utd in second place. Jamie Vardy could break the record for scoring in consecutive matches and Leicester could continue their amazing form and increase their lead at the top of the table. I usually want the underdog to win and my heart says a Leicester win and a Jamie Vardy hat-trick but I’m going to listen to my head. Final score: Leicester City 0-1 Manchester Utd
Jack: That’s a bit miserable Rich. I think you’re wrong on this. Can’t you remember last season? Leicester beat Man Utd 5-3 in one of the the best matches of the season. I’m predicting a Leicester win!
Rich: That’s it for today - we’ve run out of time! Thanks for listening. And don’t forget to write your answers to the competition, whether you agree or disagree with our Wayne Rooney discussion, your predictions and any questions you have about the website or football English in the comments below.
Jack: Don’t forget if you sign in, you can score points to see if you can get your club, your country and your name to the top of our leaderboard.
Rich: Bye for now and enjoy your football.
The answer to last week's 'What's my Team?' competition was West Ham United. Congratulations Elghoul from Algeria! Your prize is on its way!
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What do you think?
Who do you think is the best Premier League striker of the last 10 years?
Do you often have disagreements with friends and family?
What topics do you often disagree on?
Rich predicts that Manchester Utd will beat Leicester City 1-0 this weekend. Do you agree?
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Sunderland Footbal Club
26/11/2015 07:41
Sunderland Footbal Club
The Queen of England.
Ruud van Nistelrooy's
Wayne Rooney
That Jamie Vardy is the best striker at the moment.
26/11/2015 07:32
The Queen of England.
Ruud van Nistelrooy's
Wayne Rooney
That Jamie Vardy is the best striker at the moment.
Chris' favourite team is Sunderland
26/11/2015 05:30
Chris' favourite team is Sunderland
I think, it'll be 1-1
26/11/2015 05:27
I think, it'll be 1-1
Yeah your prediction is totally true, Well done
30/11/2015 13:33
Yeah your prediction is totally true, Well done
I think Robin Van Persie is the best Premier League striker of the last10 years.
Yes, I have disagreements sometimes.
Huntings free animals, Bias in games, Not giving oppotunities for youth, Disturbing surroundings and breaking the rules I often disagree on.
I predict that match will draw.
What's my team is Sunderland FC.
26/11/2015 03:58
Manchester United
I think Robin Van Persie is the best Premier League striker of the last10 years.
Yes, I have disagreements sometimes.
Huntings free animals, Bias in games, Not giving oppotunities for youth, Disturbing surroundings and breaking the rules I often disagree on.
I predict that match will draw.
What's my team is Sunderland FC.
Chris is a Sunderland fan.
26/11/2015 03:16
Manchester United
Chris is a Sunderland fan.
I disagree that Wayne Rooney is the Best Premier league striker of last 10 years.
In my opinion the best striker is Carlos Tevez
He was complete striker, deadly in the the box, with stunning accuracy and finishing. He can score in every moment and from any position.
A player who make difference and which every team wants to have in their squad.
About derby match I think that Manchester United will beat Leicester City with 2-1.
P.S. Chris' favorite team is Sunderland A.F.C
26/11/2015 00:07
I disagree that Wayne Rooney is the Best Premier league striker of last 10 years.
In my opinion the best striker is Carlos Tevez
He was complete striker, deadly in the the box, with stunning accuracy and finishing. He can score in every moment and from any position.
A player who make difference and which every team wants to have in their squad.
About derby match I think that Manchester United will beat Leicester City with 2-1.
P.S. Chris' favorite team is Sunderland A.F.C
I agree
26/11/2015 00:01
I agree
I do believe Rooney is of the the best in a decade. If we compare him with Drogba we get almost equal result. My opinion, Drogba can play a day after day and his form will not drop. On the other hand, I saw plenty of wasted Rooney's matches. I do have often disagreements, mostly about food. I am about to drink 2 litres of milk, so nothing left for the upcoming morning!
I disagree with Rich, sorry mate! But close, I think it's going to be 2:0 for Manchester United, I believe this match will be cold as a mother-in-law smile for Leicester's fans.
25/11/2015 23:23
I do believe Rooney is of the the best in a decade. If we compare him with Drogba we get almost equal result. My opinion, Drogba can play a day after day and his form will not drop. On the other hand, I saw plenty of wasted Rooney's matches. I do have often disagreements, mostly about food. I am about to drink 2 litres of milk, so nothing left for the upcoming morning!
I disagree with Rich, sorry mate! But close, I think it's going to be 2:0 for Manchester United, I believe this match will be cold as a mother-in-law smile for Leicester's fans.
And the answer is Sunderland A.F.C.
28/11/2015 00:26
Manchester United
And the answer is Sunderland A.F.C.
Chris' favourite team is Sunderland A.F.C.
25/11/2015 22:44
Manchester United
Chris' favourite team is Sunderland A.F.C.
I rarely have disagreements with my family, and when we do, they are on who should do the chores! I sometimes have disagreements with friends on sports, but we always settle our disputes easily.
Regarding the best Premier League striker of the last 10 years I will have to agree with Jack. In my opinion, it is Wayne Rooney.
I'll also agree with Rich that Manchester Utd will win this weekend, I'd say 2-1.
25/11/2015 22:38
Manchester United
I rarely have disagreements with my family, and when we do, they are on who should do the chores! I sometimes have disagreements with friends on sports, but we always settle our disputes easily.
Regarding the best Premier League striker of the last 10 years I will have to agree with Jack. In my opinion, it is Wayne Rooney.
I'll also agree with Rich that Manchester Utd will win this weekend, I'd say 2-1.
I would also like to predict that sadly, Jamie Vardy won't score in the game despite of his great current form. I'm going to take a risky bet and say that the scorers will be Mahrez for Leicester and Martial for Man.United.
25/11/2015 22:35
Manchester City
I would also like to predict that sadly, Jamie Vardy won't score in the game despite of his great current form. I'm going to take a risky bet and say that the scorers will be Mahrez for Leicester and Martial for Man.United.
Hi SalvaGH
He made it after all. Do you think he can make it 12 in Wales?
01/12/2015 13:38
Hi SalvaGH
He made it after all. Do you think he can make it 12 in Wales?
As regards with the Leicester vs Man.United match prediction, I am going to say that it will be a draw. Final score: Leicester 1-1 Man.United.
25/11/2015 22:28
Manchester City
As regards with the Leicester vs Man.United match prediction, I am going to say that it will be a draw. Final score: Leicester 1-1 Man.United.
I don't agree with the statement that Rooney was the best Premier League striker of the last 10 years. I really think that was Robin Van Persie. In spite of the fact that he didn't score as many goals as Rooney because Van Persie only played for 8 years with Arsenal F.C., he scored 96 goals in 194 appearances and was much more important for his team, at least in the last seasons he played in Premier League.
Moreover, I think that the best striker in the premier league now is Sergio Agüero but perhaps he isn't in his best form.
I also agree with Vardy being the best striker on current form in the premier League.
25/11/2015 22:23
Manchester City
I don't agree with the statement that Rooney was the best Premier League striker of the last 10 years. I really think that was Robin Van Persie. In spite of the fact that he didn't score as many goals as Rooney because Van Persie only played for 8 years with Arsenal F.C., he scored 96 goals in 194 appearances and was much more important for his team, at least in the last seasons he played in Premier League.
Moreover, I think that the best striker in the premier league now is Sergio Agüero but perhaps he isn't in his best form.
I also agree with Vardy being the best striker on current form in the premier League.
Sunderland A.F.C.
25/11/2015 22:11
Manchester City
Sunderland A.F.C.
I agree Wayne Rooney is the best premier league striker
25/11/2015 21:55
Manchester United
I agree Wayne Rooney is the best premier league striker
Chris' favourite team is Sunderland. He said they like playing against Geordies, and we know that is Tyne-Wear derby, Sun vs N'castle. Also he said that the area was known by coal miners. Black cats are playing on the stadium of Light.:-)
25/11/2015 21:41
Chris' favourite team is Sunderland. He said they like playing against Geordies, and we know that is Tyne-Wear derby, Sun vs N'castle. Also he said that the area was known by coal miners. Black cats are playing on the stadium of Light.:-)
Sunderland AFC.
25/11/2015 21:23
Manchester United
Sunderland AFC.
Sunderland A.F.C
25/11/2015 20:53
Manchester City
Sunderland A.F.C
Sunderland A.F.C
25/11/2015 20:49
Sunderland A.F.C
Chris' favourite team is Sunderland A.F.C.
25/11/2015 20:35
Manchester United
Chris' favourite team is Sunderland A.F.C.
I disagree, Best Premier league striker of last 10 years was Robin van Persie. I have no disagreements nor with my friends, neither family. Leicester - Man Utd 3-1
25/11/2015 18:25
I disagree, Best Premier league striker of last 10 years was Robin van Persie. I have no disagreements nor with my friends, neither family. Leicester - Man Utd 3-1
chris favorite team is sunderland.i wish Manchester United are going to humiliate laicester .
25/11/2015 18:06
Manchester United
chris favorite team is sunderland.i wish Manchester United are going to humiliate laicester .
I agree
25/11/2015 17:55
I agree
I’m with Jack 100%, and Rooney is not only the best EPL striker in last 10 years, he is a living legend for all England.
I think Manchester will win 2-1.
25/11/2015 17:44
Manchester City
I’m with Jack 100%, and Rooney is not only the best EPL striker in last 10 years, he is a living legend for all England.
I think Manchester will win 2-1.
Spot on!
01/12/2015 13:37
Spot on!
Sunderland fan (Mackem)
25/11/2015 17:23
Sunderland fan (Mackem)
İ think Wayne Rooney was the best EPL striker for the past 10 years
25/11/2015 17:22
Manchester United
İ think Wayne Rooney was the best EPL striker for the past 10 years
İ think Vardy is the best player at that time in England PL. Leicester City will lose to Manchester United 1-2
25/11/2015 17:10
İ think Vardy is the best player at that time in England PL. Leicester City will lose to Manchester United 1-2
Sunderland Association Football
25/11/2015 17:06
Manchester City
Sunderland Association Football
Hi,last week,my name was badly written,I´m Antonio contreras.Thank you a lot.
The stadium of the light is where plays SUNDERLAND AFC,it´s the riddle. In my opinion the scored between Leicester city - Manchester Utd will be 2-2.
Jaime vardy is the best striker at the moment,but I agree ,I Rooney was the best striker in last 10 years.
I often am in disagreement with the topical .. it is best played with 10, with 11 players.
Best regards.
25/11/2015 17:00
Hi,last week,my name was badly written,I´m Antonio contreras.Thank you a lot.
The stadium of the light is where plays SUNDERLAND AFC,it´s the riddle. In my opinion the scored between Leicester city - Manchester Utd will be 2-2.
Jaime vardy is the best striker at the moment,but I agree ,I Rooney was the best striker in last 10 years.
I often am in disagreement with the topical .. it is best played with 10, with 11 players.
Best regards.
Vardy is the best
25/11/2015 15:29
Leicester City
Vardy is the best
I can't be i more in disagreement with you. I don't usualy give comments abouth this things but i realy have to. You two are talking about best premier league strikers in the past ten yeards and from what are you talking about i have to notice that you evan don't watch football. from my point of view you are deliberately avoiding the best of the best Didier Drogba how is in yours standards scoring 104 goals and brought his team many trophies and you two are taking evan Van Persie in count. So if you wanted to talk about manchester united strickers sorry. By the way it's Sunderland
25/11/2015 15:03
I can't be i more in disagreement with you. I don't usualy give comments abouth this things but i realy have to. You two are talking about best premier league strikers in the past ten yeards and from what are you talking about i have to notice that you evan don't watch football. from my point of view you are deliberately avoiding the best of the best Didier Drogba how is in yours standards scoring 104 goals and brought his team many trophies and you two are taking evan Van Persie in count. So if you wanted to talk about manchester united strickers sorry. By the way it's Sunderland
Hi Milansteva - I'm delighted to read your comment and I admit, we should have mentioned Drogba - it was unfair not to have mentioned him. I still stand by Rooney, but we should have spoken about the Chelsea legend.
When you want to express really strong disagreement, you could say:
I couldn't disagree with you more.
Or you could use an expression like:
You must be joking!
You can't be serious!
Are you out of your mind?
01/12/2015 13:37
Hi Milansteva - I'm delighted to read your comment and I admit, we should have mentioned Drogba - it was unfair not to have mentioned him. I still stand by Rooney, but we should have spoken about the Chelsea legend.
When you want to express really strong disagreement, you could say:
I couldn't disagree with you more.
Or you could use an expression like:
You must be joking!
You can't be serious!
Are you out of your mind?
1. According to stats, I will have to agree with Jack. My pick would also be Shrek - ups, I mean Wayne Rooney. However, I always preferred robust strikers who are cold-blooded in the penalty area, and with nerves of steel. Which makes me shift from Wayne Rooney to DIDIER DROGBA! No matter how much I dislike Chelsea, I always felt appreciation for Drogba's football.
2. Of course I do. I am as stubborn as a mule when it comes to commenting football with friends.
3. Football, women, food, and so on...
4. Well, I would like to see Vardy's explosion one more time. Just for the sake of records. My guess, 2:2.
25/11/2015 14:58
Tottenham Hotspur
1. According to stats, I will have to agree with Jack. My pick would also be Shrek - ups, I mean Wayne Rooney. However, I always preferred robust strikers who are cold-blooded in the penalty area, and with nerves of steel. Which makes me shift from Wayne Rooney to DIDIER DROGBA! No matter how much I dislike Chelsea, I always felt appreciation for Drogba's football.
2. Of course I do. I am as stubborn as a mule when it comes to commenting football with friends.
3. Football, women, food, and so on...
4. Well, I would like to see Vardy's explosion one more time. Just for the sake of records. My guess, 2:2.
During my college days, I used to discuss and debate a lot with my friends regarding any subject. I cannot tolerate stubborn snobbish people, they grade human on the basis of money, colour & ethnicity . I always disagree with their statements & try to defend their arguments with tooth and claw. :-)
25/11/2015 13:13
Manchester United
During my college days, I used to discuss and debate a lot with my friends regarding any subject. I cannot tolerate stubborn snobbish people, they grade human on the basis of money, colour & ethnicity . I always disagree with their statements & try to defend their arguments with tooth and claw. :-)
Stadium of Light is Sunderland's stadium..
25/11/2015 12:42
Stadium of Light is Sunderland's stadium..
Rooney is a fantastic, and very loyal to ManU, striker. He just deserves to be stated as the best Premier League striker in the last 10 years. So I totally agree with that.
I don't have often disagreements with my family, as often I have with my friends. My points of view are often unorthodox, but my family respects that. The topic I most often disagree with poeple are politics. I have a more liberal view than others here in Bosnia.
Yes, Manchester will beat Leicester City, even if they're currently in a good form. So, I agree with that too,
The answer to the riddle is Sunderland. Their home statium is called the "Stadium of Light".
Thanks, this was fun.
25/11/2015 12:41
Rooney is a fantastic, and very loyal to ManU, striker. He just deserves to be stated as the best Premier League striker in the last 10 years. So I totally agree with that.
I don't have often disagreements with my family, as often I have with my friends. My points of view are often unorthodox, but my family respects that. The topic I most often disagree with poeple are politics. I have a more liberal view than others here in Bosnia.
Yes, Manchester will beat Leicester City, even if they're currently in a good form. So, I agree with that too,
The answer to the riddle is Sunderland. Their home statium is called the "Stadium of Light".
Thanks, this was fun.
Congratulations to Elghoul !
25/11/2015 12:22
Congratulations to Elghoul !
I think it will be a 2-2 draw between Leicester and Man.Utd.
25/11/2015 12:21
I think it will be a 2-2 draw between Leicester and Man.Utd.
The answer is SUNDERLAND A.F.C. One of the most unpredictable clubs in EPL.
25/11/2015 12:19
The answer is SUNDERLAND A.F.C. One of the most unpredictable clubs in EPL.
Sometimes I disagree with my friends about the places we would like to visit because I prefer outdoor activities and sports venues and they would rather go in a pub and take a rest.
25/11/2015 12:17
Sometimes I disagree with my friends about the places we would like to visit because I prefer outdoor activities and sports venues and they would rather go in a pub and take a rest.
I don't have many disagreements with my family but sometimes we can not agree on all the plans and commitments.
25/11/2015 12:13
I don't have many disagreements with my family but sometimes we can not agree on all the plans and commitments.
I think the best striker in the last 10 years is Didier Drogba. I wanted to say Thierry Henry but he left Arsenal in 2007. He went back on a loan in 2012 but still it's not the last 10years..If you're looking only for statistics and goals then it is Wayne Rooney.
25/11/2015 12:11
I think the best striker in the last 10 years is Didier Drogba. I wanted to say Thierry Henry but he left Arsenal in 2007. He went back on a loan in 2012 but still it's not the last 10years..If you're looking only for statistics and goals then it is Wayne Rooney.
After scrolling down to see who else commented on this, I saw the Montenegrin flag. Cool, I now know that I have peers here.
But what amazed me is that you and I prognosticated the same result and picked the same player as the best striker in the last 10 years! That's Montenegrin analysis lol. Let's hope that we Montenegrins will take this one!
P.S. I also was ambivalent between Thierry and Didier. But then I remembered that the question was about the last decade. However, I think that I would still choose Didier because of his strength and stamina.
25/11/2015 15:13
Tottenham Hotspur
After scrolling down to see who else commented on this, I saw the Montenegrin flag. Cool, I now know that I have peers here.
But what amazed me is that you and I prognosticated the same result and picked the same player as the best striker in the last 10 years! That's Montenegrin analysis lol. Let's hope that we Montenegrins will take this one!
P.S. I also was ambivalent between Thierry and Didier. But then I remembered that the question was about the last decade. However, I think that I would still choose Didier because of his strength and stamina.
One of your compatriots is one of the top users on the site; Aragorn1986 - 3rd place on the site and has helped Montenegro into 3rd place in the country ranking! I really love to read the comments from people all over the world.
01/12/2015 13:27
One of your compatriots is one of the top users on the site; Aragorn1986 - 3rd place on the site and has helped Montenegro into 3rd place in the country ranking! I really love to read the comments from people all over the world.
Congratulations Elghoul. You are lucky.
25/11/2015 11:41
Norwich City
Congratulations Elghoul. You are lucky.