Podcast 23
Podcast 23

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich talk about Jordan Ayew (Aston Villa) and his older brother Andre Ayew (Swansea City), who became the first brothers to score for opposing teams in the Premier League. The language focus is expressions with 'run' and we have a new riddle in our 'What's my Team?' competition.
How to enter the competition?
Press play on the podcast below
Listen to Kingsley, who is this week's Premier League fan.
Guess Kingsley's favourite team.
Write your answer in the comments section at the bottom of this page.
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How much did you understand?
"Aston Villa have lost their last 6 matches - they have been on a bad run."
"With time running out (87th minute), Andre Ayew scored the winner."

Yaya and Kolo Toure are the only other brothers to score in the same Premier League match. They both scored for Manchester City against Wolves in a 4-3 win in 2011.
The Neville brothers (Gary and Phil) played nearly 1000 times for Manchester United and have 14 Premier League titles between them.
Rich: Hello my name’s Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.
Jack: Hi everyone. I’m Jack and every week we talk about football and help you with your English.
Rich: This week, we’re going to talk about family, the language focus is expressions that use the word ‘run’ and later I’ll make another Premier League prediction.
Jack: And you have another chance to win a Samsung Galaxy tablet in our ‘What’s my Team?’ competition.
Rich: What was the answer to last week’s riddle Jack?
Jack: Ah, yes. Last week it was Tom ... his favourite Premier League team is Manchester Utd.
Rich: We had lots of correct entries so congratulations to everybody who got it right. I think most people who heard Old Trafford and Ryan Giggs would have chosen Man Utd.
Jack: Yes, Giggs never played for any other club and has been at Old Trafford for nearly 30 years as a player and now as Louis van Gaal’s assistant.
Rich: We have selected a winner at random from the correct answers...
Jack: and the fifth winner of the What’s my team? competition is Volodymyr from Ukraine. Congratulations Volodymyr , we’ve already sent you an email and your prize will soon be on its way.
Rich: Well done Volodymyr ! Later on in the podcast, you can listen to this week’s What’s my team riddle.
Rich: Last week, we asked you if there was a river that flows through your town or city.
Jack: And you made a prediction about the Manchester derby. How did you do this time?
Rich: I was close - I got one of the team’s scores right?
Jack: That’s not really close - you predicted a Man United win and the derby was a draw in the end.
Rich: Well, not many people predicted a draw!
Jack: Elghoul from Algeria and Volodomyr, this week’s competition winner both predicted a 2-2 draw. As well as that, Rafael24 from Ecuador, ManH267 from Vietnam, Aragorn 1986 from Montenegro, Dana from Albania, Merko from Serbia, GalaUA from Ukraine all predicted draws and Nokosonris from Ukraine managed to predict the exact result. Well done Nikosonris - Let’s see if you can do as well this week.
Rich: I’m going to do better this week. I learnt quite a few new rivers thanks to comments comments. Rafael24 from Ecuador said the Chibunga River flows through his town in Ecuador, Aragorn96 from Montenegro said the Moraca flows through his town and GalaUA from Ukraine says the Dnieper flows through Kiev - his home town.
Jack: Last week, we were looking at prepositions of movement so it was great to see you all using the preposition ‘through’ in these sentences.
Rich: Later, we’re looking at some expressions with the word ‘run’ so here let’s start the ball rolling and use one expression in some of your examples.
Jack: Instead of saying a river flows through my town you can also say a river runs through my town.
Rich: So, GunnerUZ from Uzbekistan could say the River Anhor runs through his town, and VerdeMead96 from Poland could say the Vistula River runs through her town and Rema from Serbia could say that the Rivers Sava and Danube run through his town.
Rich: There are some famous Rivers in the UK too! The River Thames is probably the most famous, which flows through the middle of London.
Jack: And of course the River Mersey,which runs through Liverpool.
Rich: Sorry if we didn’t have time to mention your comment, but please continue to write your comments and questions in our comments section and we will get back to you.
Jack: Last weekend there was a big win for Arsenal and the Gunners went top of the league for a few hours before Man City went back above them after a goalless draw in the Manchester Derby.
Rich: Yes, defences were definitely on top for a change in that one.
Jack: But, we’re going to talk about the Aston Villa - Swansea City match, which was interesting for a different reason. How many Premier League brothers do you know Rich?
Rich: The Neville brothers, Gary and Phil, played for nearly 10 years together in Man Utd’s defence.
Jack: And Yaya and Kolo Toure played together at Man City and also became the first brothers to score in the same match. But no brothers had scored for different teams until last weekend.
Rich: For the first time in Premier League history, two brothers scored for opposite teams.
Jack: The Ayew brothers have only been playing in the Premier League a couple of months. Jordan is at Villa and Andre is at Swansea.
Rich: And football certainly runs in the family - do you know who their dad is?
Jack: Yes, it’s Abedi Pele, who many football experts think is the greatest African Footballer ever!
Rich: And the Villa-Swansea match was probably one of the few times they have been on different teams because they played together at Marseille in France and, of course, play together for their national team - Ghana!
Jack: And who finished on top?
Rich: It was looking good for Jordan Ayew, the younger brother, when he scored the first goal and it looked like Villa might end their bad run - they hadn’t won since the opening day of the season.
Jack: But Swansea equalised just 6 minutes later and then with time running out, Andre Ayew, the older brother, scored the winning goal!
Rich: Do you think there might be some family arguments?
Jack: No, I don’t think so. After the match Jordan Ayew said there was no problem because they are family.
Rich: That’s good news. I wonder who their dad was supporting!
Jack: We used a few expressions with the word ‘run’ there. The first one was to run in the family.
Rich: If something runs in the family it means that it is something that everybody in the family has like a characteristic or an ability.
Jack: So football ability runs in the Ayew family because Jordan and Andre are Premier League footballers and of course their dad was quite good too!
Rich: I said that Villa are on a bad run. A run means a set of results, so Villa have now lost 6 consecutive matches and are on a very bad run.
Jack: We also said to run out of time. To run out of something means to have nothing left so Villa ran out of time before they could score another goal.
Rich: We’ve put some exercises below to practise these expressions with ‘run’, let us know if these words were new for you.
Jack: Right, I think it’s time for this week’s competition: ‘What’s my Team?’
Rich: Here is what you have to do. Listen to a Premier League fan, who will talk about their favourite team and then write the name of the team in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website.
Jack: And for each of the 20 podcast competitions the lucky winner will receive a fantastic Samsung Galaxy Tablet.
Rich: Right, so this week, our Premier League fan is Kingsley. Listen to Kingsley’’s riddle and try to work out what’s his team?
Kingsley: We’re back in the Premier League this season and hoping to stay here this time. We’ve signed a lot of new players and they’re looking good. We play in very distinctive yellow and black shirts and our nickname is the hornets. Did you know that our club’s president used to be the singer - Elton John, he’s probably our most famous fan!
Jack: Elton John? He sang about The Lion King didn’t he? I have to say, it’s not really my cup of tea! Now, it’s time for your prediction Rich. Let’s see if you can improve on your recent predictions!
Rich: The big match this weekend is Chelsea against Liverpool. Both teams are on a bad run at the moment with Chelsea losing to West Ham last week and in the bottom half of the table and Liverpool drawing too many matches. Liverpool will be hoping to get 90 minutes out of Christian Benteke and Daniel Sturridge in attack for the first time this season. Chelsea really need a win but their top players are not performing at the moment. I think it’ll finish as a draw and neither team will be very happy with the result. Final score: Chelsea 1-1 Liverpool.
Jack: If you’ve got a prediction for these matches let us know in the comments section below.
Rich: But you’ll have to tell us early. Chelsea-Liverpool is the early match on Saturday!
Jack: That’s it for today - we’ve run out of time! Thanks for listening. And don’t forget to write your answers to the competition, your Premier League predictions, and any questions you have about the website or football English in the comments below.
Rich: Don’t forget if you sign in, you can score points to see if you can get your club, your country and your name to the top of our leaderboard.
Jack: Bye for now and enjoy your football.
The answer to last week's 'What's my Team?' competiton was Manchester Utd. Congratulations Volodymyr from Ukraine! Your prize is on its way!
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chelsea win
28/10/2015 22:28
chelsea win
Kingsley's favourite team is : WATFORD FC.
28/10/2015 22:15
Kingsley's favourite team is : WATFORD FC.
My competition answer:
28/10/2015 21:48
My competition answer:
Watford F.C
28/10/2015 18:51
Manchester United
Watford F.C
Watford F.C.
28/10/2015 18:39
Manchester United
Watford F.C.
Kingsley's favourite team is Watford. He supports The Hornets.
28/10/2015 18:15
Kingsley's favourite team is Watford. He supports The Hornets.
Hi everyone. In my opinion, both Chelsea and Liverpool are high-class teams in the League. But Chelsea and Mourinho are hungrier for victory, and that's why they will fight their best against Liverpool this week. My prediction is 2-1 for the blues. By the way, my answer for the competition is "Watford F.C". Best of luck, guys !
28/10/2015 17:49
Hi everyone. In my opinion, both Chelsea and Liverpool are high-class teams in the League. But Chelsea and Mourinho are hungrier for victory, and that's why they will fight their best against Liverpool this week. My prediction is 2-1 for the blues. By the way, my answer for the competition is "Watford F.C". Best of luck, guys !
I have one elder brother and sister and I can say that exactly job choice ran in my family. So I and my sister are pharmacist like my dad, whereas my brother is a dentist like my mother. The worst run of Arsenal is related with injuries of players I suppose like the yesterday's match against Sheffield. However we can boast of the best run among all other teams in Premier League. So do you know that Arsenal is the only team which had never lost during the season. It was in 2003 if I'm not wrong when we became a champion. In Henry, Bergkamp, Pires's time... At the end, the competition answer is Watford.
28/10/2015 17:42
I have one elder brother and sister and I can say that exactly job choice ran in my family. So I and my sister are pharmacist like my dad, whereas my brother is a dentist like my mother. The worst run of Arsenal is related with injuries of players I suppose like the yesterday's match against Sheffield. However we can boast of the best run among all other teams in Premier League. So do you know that Arsenal is the only team which had never lost during the season. It was in 2003 if I'm not wrong when we became a champion. In Henry, Bergkamp, Pires's time... At the end, the competition answer is Watford.
I have one brother and one sister. Me and my brother enjoy football, that's the sport we adore.
Sometimes, yes. But that's very rare, since I always plan my activities for a few days ahead.
My best team's run was in the season 2003/04 when they did'nt lose one single match. It was then that they acquired the nickname 'The Invincibles'!
My prediction for this week's derby between Chelsea and Liverpool is 2:1 for Chelsea. Reds got the new manager Klopp who is excellent, but I doubt that Mourinho can lose second time in row after being defeated by The Hammers.
28/10/2015 15:38
I have one brother and one sister. Me and my brother enjoy football, that's the sport we adore.
Sometimes, yes. But that's very rare, since I always plan my activities for a few days ahead.
My best team's run was in the season 2003/04 when they did'nt lose one single match. It was then that they acquired the nickname 'The Invincibles'!
My prediction for this week's derby between Chelsea and Liverpool is 2:1 for Chelsea. Reds got the new manager Klopp who is excellent, but I doubt that Mourinho can lose second time in row after being defeated by The Hammers.
31/10/2015 21:56
Hi guys, thx for one more useful lecture. Concerning the prediction, I would love to see how Liverpool beats Chelsea on Saturday, but being realistic I think that the match will end up a draw, maybe 1-1 or 0-0 since Liverpool is really short of the players being in a good shape at the moment. Finally the team of this week, of course, is WATFORD, which is really nice team to follow.
28/10/2015 13:47
Hi guys, thx for one more useful lecture. Concerning the prediction, I would love to see how Liverpool beats Chelsea on Saturday, but being realistic I think that the match will end up a draw, maybe 1-1 or 0-0 since Liverpool is really short of the players being in a good shape at the moment. Finally the team of this week, of course, is WATFORD, which is really nice team to follow.
1 Chelsea and 1 Liverpool
28/10/2015 12:41
Manchester United
1 Chelsea and 1 Liverpool
The competition answer is Watford Football Club
28/10/2015 12:40
Manchester United
The competition answer is Watford Football Club
Kingsley's favorite football club is Watford FC
28/10/2015 10:42
Kingsley's favorite football club is Watford FC
This week the answer is Watford
28/10/2015 09:41
Manchester City
This week the answer is Watford
Watford FC
28/10/2015 09:14
Watford FC
I want Liverpool to beat Chelsea because I am a Liverpool fan. :-)
28/10/2015 09:01
I want Liverpool to beat Chelsea because I am a Liverpool fan. :-)
28/10/2015 09:01
Manchester United
FC Watford
28/10/2015 08:59
FC Watford
The answer for competition is Watford FC. Even if this club in the bottom half of table, it shows a quite good football, and I am glad for Kingsley!
28/10/2015 08:57
Manchester United
The answer for competition is Watford FC. Even if this club in the bottom half of table, it shows a quite good football, and I am glad for Kingsley!
The answer to 'What's my Team?' question is Watford.
28/10/2015 08:50
The answer to 'What's my Team?' question is Watford.
Hy there! I've got a younger brother, and one thing that definitely runs in our family is sports, and especially footbal. Me, my brother and father used to play football with our relatives when we were children. My bro is a Manchester United fan, so am I. Everytime when MU matches were going, we watching it together. Still me and my brother play football in our free time. And I'm sure, my children will continue our family sport tradition.
As for time organization, one should plan his day in order not to run out of time, but we are not ideal. And sometimes we need some more time to do some things, e.g. repair car, do home work, etc.
Since I am MU fan, I'd like to tell about best run against Liverpool. It consists of 8 matches: from September 20, 2004 to March 23, 2008. There was a lot of matches, where our rivals were stronger and better, but the most important thing in football is respect! Respect our opponents and you will show your dignity!
In conlusion, I agree with Rich, and think there will be a good match!
28/10/2015 08:33
Manchester United
Hy there! I've got a younger brother, and one thing that definitely runs in our family is sports, and especially footbal. Me, my brother and father used to play football with our relatives when we were children. My bro is a Manchester United fan, so am I. Everytime when MU matches were going, we watching it together. Still me and my brother play football in our free time. And I'm sure, my children will continue our family sport tradition.
As for time organization, one should plan his day in order not to run out of time, but we are not ideal. And sometimes we need some more time to do some things, e.g. repair car, do home work, etc.
Since I am MU fan, I'd like to tell about best run against Liverpool. It consists of 8 matches: from September 20, 2004 to March 23, 2008. There was a lot of matches, where our rivals were stronger and better, but the most important thing in football is respect! Respect our opponents and you will show your dignity!
In conlusion, I agree with Rich, and think there will be a good match!
As a Liverpool fan, I think it's best not to talk about that run!! Thanks for agreeing with my prediction :)
28/10/2015 23:09
As a Liverpool fan, I think it's best not to talk about that run!! Thanks for agreeing with my prediction :)
Watford F.C. is the answer for competition.
28/10/2015 06:01
Watford F.C. is the answer for competition.
My prediction is 2 Chelsea - 0 Liverpool
28/10/2015 05:58
My prediction is 2 Chelsea - 0 Liverpool
Kingsley's favourite team is Watford.
We have a family of four sisters. I'm the youngest one. We are very different. But I think being stubborn and curious runs in our family.
I always run out time when I do something: when I am going to work or at the stadium or in the movies. I am a bad time manager.
And I hope that Liverpool will win Chelsea. 2:1.
27/10/2015 21:14
Kingsley's favourite team is Watford.
We have a family of four sisters. I'm the youngest one. We are very different. But I think being stubborn and curious runs in our family.
I always run out time when I do something: when I am going to work or at the stadium or in the movies. I am a bad time manager.
And I hope that Liverpool will win Chelsea. 2:1.
Watford is the fan's club of this week.
Prediction Chelsea 3 Liverpool 2
My father is fan of football like me and one of my brothers.
27/10/2015 20:59
Manchester City
Watford is the fan's club of this week.
Prediction Chelsea 3 Liverpool 2
My father is fan of football like me and one of my brothers.
I have a brother and we both love to watch football (by the way I'm a girl)! :-D
Our grandpa (86 years old) is a great fan of Manchester United and he always buy to us drinks and sweets when Manchester win so thats how we learned to watch football and become a great fans of that team too! :-)
27/10/2015 20:10
Manchester United
I have a brother and we both love to watch football (by the way I'm a girl)! :-D
Our grandpa (86 years old) is a great fan of Manchester United and he always buy to us drinks and sweets when Manchester win so thats how we learned to watch football and become a great fans of that team too! :-)
Your grandpa bribed you and your brother into becoming Man Utd fans!! That's funny :)
28/10/2015 23:07
Your grandpa bribed you and your brother into becoming Man Utd fans!! That's funny :)
:-) Yea, you can say so! But when you're a child the only thing that it is important to you is to get some candy! So we liked it! :-)
But when Manchester United lose like last night, we don't get anything and we're very sad because our favourite team didn't go well and also we didn't get sweets! :-D
Our grandpa is awesome! We love him very much!
29/10/2015 10:42
Manchester United
:-) Yea, you can say so! But when you're a child the only thing that it is important to you is to get some candy! So we liked it! :-)
But when Manchester United lose like last night, we don't get anything and we're very sad because our favourite team didn't go well and also we didn't get sweets! :-D
Our grandpa is awesome! We love him very much!
I predict a sweety win for Chelsea...
2 - 1...
27/10/2015 19:50
I predict a sweety win for Chelsea...
2 - 1...
" Watford " Football Club is the hornets...
27/10/2015 19:48
" Watford " Football Club is the hornets...
Watford is the answer for this week riddle!
Truth to say, I never heard of them until now. I found on Wikipedia that nickname for Watford is hornets and there was a lot of new things I learned about them as team. Nice! Thanks to Kingsley for introducing his team to us. ;)
For Sunday's match Chelsea - Liverpool, I think it will be draw 0-0!
27/10/2015 19:42
Manchester United
Watford is the answer for this week riddle!
Truth to say, I never heard of them until now. I found on Wikipedia that nickname for Watford is hornets and there was a lot of new things I learned about them as team. Nice! Thanks to Kingsley for introducing his team to us. ;)
For Sunday's match Chelsea - Liverpool, I think it will be draw 0-0!
" Watford " Football Club is the hornets...
27/10/2015 19:35
" Watford " Football Club is the hornets...
The correct answer is "Watford".
27/10/2015 19:31
The correct answer is "Watford".
I think Kingsley describe Watford FC.
27/10/2015 19:00
I think Kingsley describe Watford FC.
'What's my Team?' competition:
Kingsley's favourite team is WATFORD.
27/10/2015 18:45
'What's my Team?' competition:
Kingsley's favourite team is WATFORD.
I predict a draw 0-0 between Chelsea and Liverpool
27/10/2015 18:38
I predict a draw 0-0 between Chelsea and Liverpool
I have a brother and 3 sisters , investigation and police jobs runs in my family , because me , my brother and my dad are all policemen .
I sometimes run out of time at gym when workout .
This season is worst run for Chelsea since long time .
The answer of the competition is hull city
27/10/2015 18:37
I have a brother and 3 sisters , investigation and police jobs runs in my family , because me , my brother and my dad are all policemen .
I sometimes run out of time at gym when workout .
This season is worst run for Chelsea since long time .
The answer of the competition is hull city
This week the right answer in competition "What's my Team" is Watford .
27/10/2015 18:36
Manchester United
This week the right answer in competition "What's my Team" is Watford .
Watford Football Club
27/10/2015 17:05
Watford Football Club
I think Chelsea will beat Liverpool on Saturday because they play at home and I think that is going to unbalance the match in favour of Chelsea, even though they are in a bad run I believe they will win the match. Klopp will have to wait to celebrate their first win. Final score: Chelsea 3-1 Liverpool.
27/10/2015 16:36
Manchester City
I think Chelsea will beat Liverpool on Saturday because they play at home and I think that is going to unbalance the match in favour of Chelsea, even though they are in a bad run I believe they will win the match. Klopp will have to wait to celebrate their first win. Final score: Chelsea 3-1 Liverpool.
I do hope that Liverpool will defeat Chelsea as I don't appreciate the style of Chelsea.They play extremely agressively.
27/10/2015 16:32
Manchester United
I do hope that Liverpool will defeat Chelsea as I don't appreciate the style of Chelsea.They play extremely agressively.
My answer to competition is Watford
27/10/2015 16:30
Manchester United
My answer to competition is Watford
Watford Football Club
27/10/2015 16:27
Manchester City
Watford Football Club
My initial prediction was that after the worst run at the beginning of this season since 1998 Chelsea would beat Liverpool in a dramatic win by 2-1, but we need to wait for the Capital One matches to have the final prediction.
27/10/2015 15:36
My initial prediction was that after the worst run at the beginning of this season since 1998 Chelsea would beat Liverpool in a dramatic win by 2-1, but we need to wait for the Capital One matches to have the final prediction.
I will stick to my initial prediction: 2-1 for Chelsea (just for the sake of intrigue at the top 10 of PL, even though I really like the emotional and open-minded style of Jürgen's coaching, he still needs time to pick up his squad and get ready for big wins)
29/10/2015 08:56
I will stick to my initial prediction: 2-1 for Chelsea (just for the sake of intrigue at the top 10 of PL, even though I really like the emotional and open-minded style of Jürgen's coaching, he still needs time to pick up his squad and get ready for big wins)
I have a younger sister, but she is far from being a football fan(( However, I must admit that football definitely runs in the male part of my family as my father used to be a universal football player for a local amateur team based in Volodarsk-Volynsky Town. He started his football career as an attacking midfielder (my father was so good that he was once invited for the trial at one of our best Ukrainian professional football team - Dynamo Kyiv, but my grandmother refused to let him go to the capital city). He also played as a defender and hung the boots up being a goalkeeper. I took after him and am now a captain of our corporate team that has recently had a good run at the Regional Corporate Tournament (TOP 10 out of 28 teams, proud of you, lads!)
27/10/2015 15:22
I have a younger sister, but she is far from being a football fan(( However, I must admit that football definitely runs in the male part of my family as my father used to be a universal football player for a local amateur team based in Volodarsk-Volynsky Town. He started his football career as an attacking midfielder (my father was so good that he was once invited for the trial at one of our best Ukrainian professional football team - Dynamo Kyiv, but my grandmother refused to let him go to the capital city). He also played as a defender and hung the boots up being a goalkeeper. I took after him and am now a captain of our corporate team that has recently had a good run at the Regional Corporate Tournament (TOP 10 out of 28 teams, proud of you, lads!)
A pity about your dad. I'm sure it would be have been a great life being the son of a famous footballer!
28/10/2015 23:04
A pity about your dad. I'm sure it would be have been a great life being the son of a famous footballer!
It would be great to hear/read some stories/articles about sons of famous footballers somewhere on your site (just to compare what my life would have been:)
29/10/2015 08:43
It would be great to hear/read some stories/articles about sons of famous footballers somewhere on your site (just to compare what my life would have been:)