Speaking Skills: Changing the subject
Speaking Skills: Changing the subject
In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich look at words and phrases you can use to change the topic or subject of a conversation. Maybe you need to tell someone something urgently or maybe you would prefer that the person you are speaking to would talk less or about something else; there are lots of reasons to change the direction of a conversation. The language focus is on the words and phrases you need to do this politely in both formal and informal situations. Your task is to write a dialogue in the comments section with the help of other podcast listeners. As always, we also have a new football phrase for you to guess at the end of the podcast. Enjoy!
Rich: Fantastic match last weekend. Liverpool looked really good.
Jack: Yeah, it was. Can I speak to you for a minute?
Rich: We looked solid at the back with our new goalkeeper. A clean sheet for the defence … much better than last season.
Jack: Yeah, I guess. Look … er ...
Rich: The midfield looked as strong as ever but with the new players we’re going to be even stronger.
Jack: Great, but there’s something I really need to tell you about!
Rich: And up front brilliant. Firmino, Mane and Salah they were on fire!
Jack: Fire! I’ve been trying to tell you. Fire. There under your feet. The bin is on fire.
Rich: Yikes! Why didn’t you mention it?
Jack: I tried! Here, use this.
Welcome - Changing the subject
Rich: Hello my name’s Rich
Jack: and I’m Jack
Rich: and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast
Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.
Jack: What’s happening this week, Rich?
Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re going to help you with your speaking skills and specifically we’re going to look at some phrases you can use to change the subject..
Jack: That’s right. Sometimes we want to change the topic or subject because we need to tell someone something important or urgently.
Rich: Like a fire?
Jack: Yes, like a fire. But, sometimes we change the subject because we think of a different topic, we remember something that we want to say or what someone says reminds us of something else.
Rich: Or maybe because someone is talking about the same topic all the time and won’t shut up.
Jack: Like when you’re talking about football and Liverpool. You are a bit of a chatterbox. It’s difficult to get a word in edgeways sometimes!
Rich: I know. I do go on sometimes, don’t I?
Topic Focus - Changing the subject
Jack: In this section, we’re going to do two practice conversations. Two roleplays. In each roleplay, we will use a few phrases to change the topic.
Rich: Some of the phrases will be quite formal and polite, and some of the phrases will be more informal.
Jack: We want you to listen to the two roleplays and decide in which conversation we use informal phrases and in which conversation we use more formal phrases.
Rich: Afterwards, we will look at how we use the phrases in more detail.
Jack: Roleplay one
Rich: Yeah, it was a really nice weekend. The weather was great for a change so we got out our bikes and went for a ride.
Jack: Funny you should say that because we went out on our bikes, too. We went down to the river. It was bit of a pain peddling back up the hill though.
Rich: Ha! That reminds me of the time I got a puncture near there. I didn’t have anything to fix the tyre and had to carry the bike about six kilometres uphill!
Jack: Oh no! Oh, before I forget, a few of us were thinking of going for a ride next weekend. Do you want to come?
Rich: Sounds good.
Jack: And there's something else I want to ask you.
Rich: What’s that?
Jack: Don’t forget to bring your puncture repair kit!
Rich: Roleplay two
Jack: Good morning everybody. Could I have your attention for just a moment or two? As you may know, we’ve got an important visitor in the office this morning. Could you fill us in on the details John?
Rich: Thanks, Sam. Yes, the Chief Executive will be arriving at around 10 am and will be staying for around three hours.
Jack: That reminds me. Do we have someone meeting her at the station?
Rich: Yes, we do. So, while she is here we want to see everybody at their desks.
Jack: Let me stop you there a moment, John. We would like her to see a busy working environment - everybody working.
Rich: And speaking of the environment. Could we keep coffee cups in the kitchen and not at our desks while she is here?
Jack: Good point, John. We want to give a good impression. By the way, do we have coffee and biscuits for our visitor?
Rich: All under control, Sam.
Jack: Just one other thing .. please don’t forget to leave your belongings in the cloakroom rather than over your chairs. OK, I think that’s everything for now. Back to work.
Language Focus
Rich: You’ve just listened to two roleplays and we asked you in which conversation we used phrases to change the subject that were more formal.
Jack: You probably know the answer already, but in case you are not sure; roleplay one was informal and roleplay two was more formal.
Rich: In the roleplays, we used quite a few phrases that you can use to change the topic of a conversation or to take control of a topic.
Jack: Let’s look at the phrases from roleplay one first of all. I used the phrase ‘funny you should say that’ and Rich used the phrase ‘that reminds me of the time’. Both of these phrases are used to take control of the topic and are linked to what the person had said before.
Rich: I was talking about the bike ride that I went on and then Jack used the phrase ‘funny you should say that’ to start talking about his bike ride.
Jack: Rich used the phrase ‘that reminds me of the time’ to do something similar. I was speaking about where I had been and he used this phrase to start speaking about when he went to the same place.
Rich: We also used two phrases to change the topic more directly. Jack said ‘Oh, and before I forget’ and ‘there’s something else I want to ask you’.
Jack: Both of these phrases are used to change the topic in a more direct way and are quite informal. Other similar phrases are: ‘by the way’, ‘Oh, while I remember’ or ‘Oh, I just thought of something’.
Rich: ‘By the way’ can be used in both informal and formal conversations and is quite common to use to change the topic. You could say: Oh, by the way, I listened to that song you were talking about the other day’ or ‘By the way, did you see that goal Pogba scored against City?’
Jack: Let’s look at some of the phrases from the second roleplay which was a bit more formal.
Rich: In the second roleplay, many of the phrases were a bit more abrupt or less friendly. A couple of examples Jack used were ‘let me stop you there a moment’ and ‘just one other thing’.
Jack: Both these phrases are used to stop the speaker quickly to add another point or change the subject.
Rich: We also used the phrases ‘that reminds me’ and ‘by the way’ to stop the speaker and make a fresh point. In the roleplay, they were both related to what the speaker had said before.
Jack: The other phrase that was used in the second roleplay was ‘speaking of’. This again, links to what the previous speaker had said. In the roleplay, Rich said ‘we would like her to see a busy working environment’ and I then said ‘speaking of the environment …’
Rich: this allowed Jack to make a new point about the topic.
Jack: We've got more activities and explanations to help you on the Premier Skills English page below this podcast.
Rich: Your task this week is to continue a conversation that we start in the comments section.
Jack: Every time you reply you need to change the subject by using one of the phrases we have used in this week's podcast. Let’s do an example.
Rich: I wanted to paint my living room last weekend but I didn’t get much done as I was watching the football most of the time.
Jack: Speaking of football, did you see that Chelsea have signed that goalkeeper for a world record fee.
Rich: Changing the subject for just a minute. Did you know that I broke a world record once? I was part of the world’s longest bucket chain. I bet you don’t know what that is, do you?
Jack: I don’t think I want to know. By the way, I watched that film you recommended last week.
Rich: That’s great. Oh, before I forget ...
Jack: OK, so we will start another conversation and we want you to continue the conversations in the comments section.
Rich: Every day next week we will start a new conversation in the comments section and we want you to continue the conversation.
Jack: Remember, each time you reply you should change the topic by using phrases such as ‘funny you should say that’, ‘speaking of’ ‘by the way’ or ‘let me stop you there a moment’.
Rich: Here is the first conversation starting sentence:
Jack: My mobile broke the other day and I had to take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two days. I couldn’t even check the football results!
Rich: Write your replies to Jack in the comments section on the Premier Skills English webpage.
Football Phrase
Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us this week?
Jack: Yes, I have, but first, last week’s football phrase. The phrase was fantasy football. This is a free game you can play on premierleague.com where you get £100 million to spend on a team of your choice. You are the manager and you play against other managers from around the world.
Rich: Well done to Rafael Amorin and Rafael RC from Brazil, Ahmed Adam from Sudan, Sabanoleg and Liubomyr from Ukraine, AssemJuve from Palestine, Samo from Turkey, Acicala from Spain, Elghoul from Algeria, Ju_003 from Russia, Kwesimanifest from Ghana, Zaid from India and Milos from Serbia.
Jack: This week’s phrase is ***** *********. This phrase is used to describe the teams that have a chance of winning the league. Usually, there are a maximum of about five ***** ********** as it becomes clear after a month or so that the rest of the teams have little chance of winning the league.
Rich: If you know your movies, I could have been a ********* is a famous line from an old movie.
Jack: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below.
Rich: Bye for now and enjoy your football!
How much did you understand?
In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?
We looked solid at the back with our new goalkeeper ... and a clean sheet for the defence.
You are a bit of a chatterbox. It’s difficult to get a word in edgeways sometimes!
There were a few tricky words in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words.
Activity 1

Why do you need to change the subject?
In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about changing the subject or topic of a conversation. Before we look at some of the words and phrases they used let's think about why we might need to change the subject:
- You have something urgent or important to say.
- You are finding the conversation boring and want to change the subject.
- You have just remembered or been reminded of something you would like to talk about.
How to change the subject?
Here are five ways that you could change the topic of a conversation.
- Ask a question
- Introduce a new topic.
- Give a compliment.
- Create a distraction.
- Tell the speaker that you are changing the topic.
Which do you think is the best way?
Look at the activity below and match the example sentences to one of the five ways of changing the subject of a conversation.
Activity 2
Words and phrases we use to change the subject
In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich used lots of different words and phrases that are useful when we want to change the topic of the conversation. Most of these phrases are used to either introduce a topic by linking it to what the speaker had been talking about or to tell the speaker you are changing the topic. Look at these examples from the podcast:
Changing the subject by linking it to what the speaker was talking about:
Funny you should say that because we went out on our bikes, too.
Ha! That reminds me of the time I got a puncture near there.
That reminds me. Do we have someone meeting her at the station?
And speaking of the environment. Could we keep coffee cups in the kitchen and not at our desks while she is here?
Changing the subject in a more abrupt way:
Oh, before I forget, a few of us were thinking of going for a ride next weekend. Do you want to come?
And there's something else I want to ask you.
Let me stop you there a moment, John.
By the way, do we have coffee and biscuits for our visitor?
All of these phrases are used when we want to change the subject of a conversation. Do you know any other words or phrases that are similar to these?
Please login to take this quiz.
A collaborative dialogue:
Your task this week is to reply to Jack and Rich and other podcast listeners. Every time you reply, change the subject by using one of the phrases we have used in this week's podcast. We will add a new topic every day this week and it's your task to continue the conversation. The first topic is:
My mobile broke the other day and I had to take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two days. I couldn't even check the football results!
Write your replies in the comments section below and don't forget to have a guess at this week's football phrase, too!
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Funny you should say that . Why didn’t you use your partner's . Speaking of mobile phone, I have to say that watching video on it increases your monthly bill.
• In my opinion nothing is urgent in life except vital things such as fire, accident or natural disasters. We have to be calm.
• Speaking of the relations in the office why don't we set up a meeting to talk issues.
• In the home, she is a real chatterbox but her teacher said that she never talks in the class-room even one word.
04/11/2021 17:25
Tottenham Hotspur
Funny you should say that . Why didn’t you use your partner's . Speaking of mobile phone, I have to say that watching video on it increases your monthly bill.
• In my opinion nothing is urgent in life except vital things such as fire, accident or natural disasters. We have to be calm.
• Speaking of the relations in the office why don't we set up a meeting to talk issues.
• In the home, she is a real chatterbox but her teacher said that she never talks in the class-room even one word.
Hi Rowan and Jack! I would like to suggest a football phrase.I'm not sure whether it is tricky or not and I don't know what it is called in English.When a player send a pass to the teammate in a very correct way I mean directly to the in front of her/him feet. We call it " Address delivery " literally.
Bye. Stay fit and healthy.
04/11/2021 15:13
Tottenham Hotspur
Hi Rowan and Jack! I would like to suggest a football phrase.I'm not sure whether it is tricky or not and I don't know what it is called in English.When a player send a pass to the teammate in a very correct way I mean directly to the in front of her/him feet. We call it " Address delivery " literally.
Bye. Stay fit and healthy.
Hi Rowan and Jack! I would like to suggest a football phrase.I'm not sure whether it is tricky or not and I don't know what it is called in English.When a player send a pass to the teammate in a very correct way I mean directly to the in front of her/him feet. We call it " Address delivery " literally.
Bye. Stay fit and healthy.
04/11/2021 15:05
Tottenham Hotspur
Hi Rowan and Jack! I would like to suggest a football phrase.I'm not sure whether it is tricky or not and I don't know what it is called in English.When a player send a pass to the teammate in a very correct way I mean directly to the in front of her/him feet. We call it " Address delivery " literally.
Bye. Stay fit and healthy.
This week's football phrase is ( contenders )
29/05/2020 18:18
Manchester United
This week's football phrase is ( contenders )
My mobile broke the other day and I had to take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two days. I couldn't even check the football results!
OH that reminds me. I called you twice yesterday but you didn't answer so I was worried about you. That tells all then
29/05/2020 18:12
Manchester United
My mobile broke the other day and I had to take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two days. I couldn't even check the football results!
OH that reminds me. I called you twice yesterday but you didn't answer so I was worried about you. That tells all then
That reminds me. I need to charge my phone.
23/08/2018 13:55
That reminds me. I need to charge my phone.
That reminds me, talking of punctures, I suffered this unfortunately situation several times when I used to ride to work (a school) everyday. Due to the bad nature of the road I ended up with one fault or the other almost every week and at the end of the month, I would dedicate a portion of my salary for maintenance of my bike. It thought me lessons I would apply when I buy a car some time soon.
23/08/2018 09:10
Manchester United
That reminds me, talking of punctures, I suffered this unfortunately situation several times when I used to ride to work (a school) everyday. Due to the bad nature of the road I ended up with one fault or the other almost every week and at the end of the month, I would dedicate a portion of my salary for maintenance of my bike. It thought me lessons I would apply when I buy a car some time soon.
This week's phrase is ***** **********
23/08/2018 09:06
Manchester United
This week's phrase is ***** **********
That reminds me, my tablet got stolen last year in November, when thieves broke into our car and picked up my bag in which I had my tablet. It was a very sad day for me.
23/08/2018 09:01
Manchester United
That reminds me, my tablet got stolen last year in November, when thieves broke into our car and picked up my bag in which I had my tablet. It was a very sad day for me.
My pet cat keeps bringing us presents. This week it has brought us three mice, a pigeon and a small snake. It just leaves them on our doorstep. They are usually dead. We feed the cat well so I don't know why it keeps leaving us these animals. Has anyone else got a problem pet?
21/08/2018 21:18
My pet cat keeps bringing us presents. This week it has brought us three mice, a pigeon and a small snake. It just leaves them on our doorstep. They are usually dead. We feed the cat well so I don't know why it keeps leaving us these animals. Has anyone else got a problem pet?
Hi Rich! At home, my dogs sometimes kill mices and some small birds (like chicks from my neighbour!). Curiously, they don't kill the pigeons, which eat their food and let me crazy!
22/08/2018 15:38
Tottenham Hotspur
Hi Rich! At home, my dogs sometimes kill mices and some small birds (like chicks from my neighbour!). Curiously, they don't kill the pigeons, which eat their food and let me crazy!
Hey guys, I hope you all are doing good. My week was pretty hectic so my online activity was quite limited. But, somehow I managed to catch on the podcast. And this week's phrase is simple - '***** *********'
21/08/2018 17:55
Manchester United
Hey guys, I hope you all are doing good. My week was pretty hectic so my online activity was quite limited. But, somehow I managed to catch on the podcast. And this week's phrase is simple - '***** *********'
I try again, phrase is"***** *********"
21/08/2018 16:13
I try again, phrase is"***** *********"
That reminds the time when we had some holidays in the country and we had no wifi connection nor other frame to use.
My tablet was useless so speaking of news I was disturbed from the beginning of the day with no tuner. Speaking of news there was not any news-paper either. Before I forget the matter let me say that there were no tv set in the rented flat. Using this opportunity can you tell me about the football first week results.
Football phrase, top favorites
21/08/2018 12:17
Manchester City
That reminds the time when we had some holidays in the country and we had no wifi connection nor other frame to use.
My tablet was useless so speaking of news I was disturbed from the beginning of the day with no tuner. Speaking of news there was not any news-paper either. Before I forget the matter let me say that there were no tv set in the rented flat. Using this opportunity can you tell me about the football first week results.
Football phrase, top favorites
that reminds me of a time when I had lost my laptop and I could not check any email for three days. By the way, I am excited about this week activities
21/08/2018 11:23
Brighton and Hove Albion
that reminds me of a time when I had lost my laptop and I could not check any email for three days. By the way, I am excited about this week activities
That reminds me of my iPhone when I had lost that and could not use it for two days.
21/08/2018 11:09
Brighton and Hove Albion
That reminds me of my iPhone when I had lost that and could not use it for two days.
My mobile broke the other day and I had to take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two days. I couldn't even check the football results!
Funny you should say that because my computer broke down a few days ago and I had to take it to get fixed too. I couldn’t even surf my favorite page, www.premierleague.com. It was awful!
By the way, this week's football phrase is “month *********”, I think.
20/08/2018 17:48
My mobile broke the other day and I had to take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two days. I couldn't even check the football results!
Funny you should say that because my computer broke down a few days ago and I had to take it to get fixed too. I couldn’t even surf my favorite page, www.premierleague.com. It was awful!
By the way, this week's football phrase is “month *********”, I think.
I think that the phrase is a '***** *********'
20/08/2018 10:00
I think that the phrase is a '***** *********'
I'm going to London next month (hoping to watch a match) but I'm not sure where to stay. I'm thinking of renting an apartment or a room for a few days but I haven't done this before. I think it would be cheaper than a hotel.
20/08/2018 08:25
I'm going to London next month (hoping to watch a match) but I'm not sure where to stay. I'm thinking of renting an apartment or a room for a few days but I haven't done this before. I think it would be cheaper than a hotel.
That reminds me of the time I had to leave the family for university. I wasn't sure where to stay as it was my first time I'd been to Khartoum and was thinking of living in a shared-house with some people, but I knew absolutely no one. Luckily, my granddad who just heard that I'd departed home, came to the station and took me home, then everything went well.
Speaking of renting a room or an apartment, yeah that should definitely be cheaper. You may end up running out of budget by choosing to stay in a hotel, especially in Loddon, in case you've got a limited budget. You wouldn't need to ask Jack to lend you sime money, would you?!
Oh, before I forget, which match are you going to watch in London?
20/08/2018 09:33
That reminds me of the time I had to leave the family for university. I wasn't sure where to stay as it was my first time I'd been to Khartoum and was thinking of living in a shared-house with some people, but I knew absolutely no one. Luckily, my granddad who just heard that I'd departed home, came to the station and took me home, then everything went well.
Speaking of renting a room or an apartment, yeah that should definitely be cheaper. You may end up running out of budget by choosing to stay in a hotel, especially in Loddon, in case you've got a limited budget. You wouldn't need to ask Jack to lend you sime money, would you?!
Oh, before I forget, which match are you going to watch in London?
I'm hoping to watch Liverpool play Chelsea but I'm not 100% sure that I'll be able to make it. I've actually been to Stamford Bridge only once (about 10 years ago) and I watched the match (against Newcastle) from the press box, which made it really exciting! By the way, is Khartoum very different from Port Sudan?
20/08/2018 13:09
I'm hoping to watch Liverpool play Chelsea but I'm not 100% sure that I'll be able to make it. I've actually been to Stamford Bridge only once (about 10 years ago) and I watched the match (against Newcastle) from the press box, which made it really exciting! By the way, is Khartoum very different from Port Sudan?
Speaking of that game, fingers crossed you'll make it.
Only once? that's not enough for an Englishman who's really into football.
20/08/2018 15:01
Speaking of that game, fingers crossed you'll make it.
Only once? that's not enough for an Englishman who's really into football.
Indeed it's very different from my hometown. Since it's the capital, there are obviously loads of companies, touristic sites, good universities and not bad infrastructure. However, there's also a lot of people, air pollution and traffic jams. In my situation, the culture wasn't that different from that of Port Sudan, but if I'd come from a remote village, I'd have definitely suffered a culture shock. Transportation was always a niggling issue.
20/08/2018 14:53
Indeed it's very different from my hometown. Since it's the capital, there are obviously loads of companies, touristic sites, good universities and not bad infrastructure. However, there's also a lot of people, air pollution and traffic jams. In my situation, the culture wasn't that different from that of Port Sudan, but if I'd come from a remote village, I'd have definitely suffered a culture shock. Transportation was always a niggling issue.
My mobile broke the other day and I had to take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two days. I couldn't even check the football results!
That reminds me of the time when I have decided not to used my phone for two weeks.I just wanted to see how it is to be unplugged for some time.Of course I have done that when I have been on vacation.
Oh, before I forget,I think that football phrase for this week is something like main favorites.
20/08/2018 06:57
Manchester United
My mobile broke the other day and I had to take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two days. I couldn't even check the football results!
That reminds me of the time when I have decided not to used my phone for two weeks.I just wanted to see how it is to be unplugged for some time.Of course I have done that when I have been on vacation.
Oh, before I forget,I think that football phrase for this week is something like main favorites.
By the way, I feel sorry for you that the Red Devils lost away at Brighton. Did you watch the game?
There's something else I want to ask you. Do you think that Man United will have a better campaign than last season and possibly win the league this time?
20/08/2018 10:12
By the way, I feel sorry for you that the Red Devils lost away at Brighton. Did you watch the game?
There's something else I want to ask you. Do you think that Man United will have a better campaign than last season and possibly win the league this time?
Ha! That reminds me of the time I lost my mobile phone and I had to do a great deal of stuff to keep my personal information safe. And speaking of football, what do you think is the odds of Liverpool winning Premier League?
By the way, I guess this week's football phrase is " major *********". But I wonder how come there are six asterisks of the first word in the sentence"Usually, there are a maximum of about five ****** **********..."
19/08/2018 16:22
Ha! That reminds me of the time I lost my mobile phone and I had to do a great deal of stuff to keep my personal information safe. And speaking of football, what do you think is the odds of Liverpool winning Premier League?
By the way, I guess this week's football phrase is " major *********". But I wonder how come there are six asterisks of the first word in the sentence"Usually, there are a maximum of about five ****** **********..."
I think I got carried away with the asterisks this week! There are five in the first word and six in the second. You've got the second word but not the first. Oh, before I forget, I'd say the odds of Liverpool winning the league are pretty good although I'm not really a betting man, especially on my own team!
20/08/2018 14:47
I think I got carried away with the asterisks this week! There are five in the first word and six in the second. You've got the second word but not the first. Oh, before I forget, I'd say the odds of Liverpool winning the league are pretty good although I'm not really a betting man, especially on my own team!
let me stop you there a moment, Lakerwang. Which team do you support in your domestic league? A league where teams have attracted a number of world class footballers in a short space of time!
Oh, before I forget, congrats on the victory over Arsenal and welcome back to PSE.
20/08/2018 06:29
let me stop you there a moment, Lakerwang. Which team do you support in your domestic league? A league where teams have attracted a number of world class footballers in a short space of time!
Oh, before I forget, congrats on the victory over Arsenal and welcome back to PSE.
Of course I support the team in my home province which is Shandong Luneng. Although there are many world class footballer who are from Europe or South America in China Football Association Super League, China National team sucks.
Speaking of world class footballers, who is your favourite player?
Oh, I almost forgot, is the phrase "***** *********"? I admit I wouldn't guess it out without a hint.
20/08/2018 17:14
Of course I support the team in my home province which is Shandong Luneng. Although there are many world class footballer who are from Europe or South America in China Football Association Super League, China National team sucks.
Speaking of world class footballers, who is your favourite player?
Oh, I almost forgot, is the phrase "***** *********"? I admit I wouldn't guess it out without a hint.
That reminds me, I came across an electrical generator on which was written 'Shan-Dong', would you say that it came from your home province?
By the way, I grew up watching Zidane, who was my favourite player during the first RM Galacticos era. These days however, I don't have a particular favourite, but I really like to watch KDB and Modric.
Speaking of the football phrase, you're spot on. Glad that the hint worked with you!
20/08/2018 21:28
That reminds me, I came across an electrical generator on which was written 'Shan-Dong', would you say that it came from your home province?
By the way, I grew up watching Zidane, who was my favourite player during the first RM Galacticos era. These days however, I don't have a particular favourite, but I really like to watch KDB and Modric.
Speaking of the football phrase, you're spot on. Glad that the hint worked with you!
Oh, before I forget, isn't there something missing in the comments section? The part that asks two or three questions and then says... Remember to write your guess at this week's football phrase and....
19/08/2018 15:19
Oh, before I forget, isn't there something missing in the comments section? The part that asks two or three questions and then says... Remember to write your guess at this week's football phrase and....
You're quite right, Ahmed Adam. We thought we'd try to get more people doing the task this week and replying to each other's comments. Do you think it's worked?
20/08/2018 14:48
You're quite right, Ahmed Adam. We thought we'd try to get more people doing the task this week and replying to each other's comments. Do you think it's worked?
Yeah, it clearly worked!
And there's something else I want to ask you. Is it going to continue this way? Will this comment-section change be permanent going forward?
20/08/2018 15:16
Yeah, it clearly worked!
And there's something else I want to ask you. Is it going to continue this way? Will this comment-section change be permanent going forward?
My mobile broke the other day and I had to
take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two
days. I couldn't even check the football
Funny you should say that because I couldn't check the football results too. Last week we had problems with our Wi-Fi
19/08/2018 14:41
My mobile broke the other day and I had to
take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two
days. I couldn't even check the football
Funny you should say that because I couldn't check the football results too. Last week we had problems with our Wi-Fi
My mobile broke the other day and I had to
take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two
days. I couldn't even check the football
By the way, nice picture there teacher Jack & Jack junior! The yellow shirt means a lot in cycling :)
19/08/2018 14:25
My mobile broke the other day and I had to
take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two
days. I couldn't even check the football
By the way, nice picture there teacher Jack & Jack junior! The yellow shirt means a lot in cycling :)
My mobile broke the other day and I had to
take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two
days. I couldn't even check the football
Let me stop you there a moment. Condolences to all Arsenal fans hear. I really feel your pain. let's hope next week will be better for you.
19/08/2018 14:13
My mobile broke the other day and I had to
take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two
days. I couldn't even check the football
Let me stop you there a moment. Condolences to all Arsenal fans hear. I really feel your pain. let's hope next week will be better for you.
That's very nice of you, Ahmed Adam. By the way, I don't expect Jack to answer yet (if at all) as he's still licking his wounds from the defeat against Chelsea :)
20/08/2018 14:51
That's very nice of you, Ahmed Adam. By the way, I don't expect Jack to answer yet (if at all) as he's still licking his wounds from the defeat against Chelsea :)
Haha! Thanks teacher. Hope his emotions were not seriously damaged by the Blues. We want him to feel that we really care about him. How come we feel happy when our teacher is feeling sad? Cheer up. It's only a game!!!
20/08/2018 16:07
Haha! Thanks teacher. Hope his emotions were not seriously damaged by the Blues. We want him to feel that we really care about him. How come we feel happy when our teacher is feeling sad? Cheer up. It's only a game!!!
My mobile broke the other day and I had to
take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two
days. I couldn't even check the football
That reminds me of the time my mobile caught a virus. It kept turning on and off every minute. That was really annoying because I couldn't make a single phone-call!
19/08/2018 14:07
My mobile broke the other day and I had to
take it to get fixed. I couldn’t use it for two
days. I couldn't even check the football
That reminds me of the time my mobile caught a virus. It kept turning on and off every minute. That was really annoying because I couldn't make a single phone-call!
Funny you should say that because I have a friend that fix mobile.
Sorry, but before I forget, I've tried call you many times for invite you ride a bike.
By the way, your team unfortunately lost last week!!!
The football phrase is difficult this week. Please, could you give a tip? What's the film?
18/08/2018 11:58
Funny you should say that because I have a friend that fix mobile.
Sorry, but before I forget, I've tried call you many times for invite you ride a bike.
By the way, your team unfortunately lost last week!!!
The football phrase is difficult this week. Please, could you give a tip? What's the film?
Talking of the football phrase, I'll try to give you a hint of its first part. Not sure I can explain it well like Jack & Rich.... Instead of saying the book name is ... , we can say the book 't****' is ...!
19/08/2018 15:01
Talking of the football phrase, I'll try to give you a hint of its first part. Not sure I can explain it well like Jack & Rich.... Instead of saying the book name is ... , we can say the book 't****' is ...!
Thanks for the hint Ahmed Adam Mamado! Unfortunately I didn't get it yet. Kkkkkkkkkk
20/08/2018 02:00
Thanks for the hint Ahmed Adam Mamado! Unfortunately I didn't get it yet. Kkkkkkkkkk
Let me stop you there guys, the film you want to Google is 'On the Waterfront'.
20/08/2018 08:28
Let me stop you there guys, the film you want to Google is 'On the Waterfront'.
I deem footbal phrase is"***** challenge"
18/08/2018 09:45
I deem footbal phrase is"***** challenge"
Speaking of football results Do you know What was the result of the game Arsenal vs Machester City?
17/08/2018 23:20
Speaking of football results Do you know What was the result of the game Arsenal vs Machester City?
Let me stop you there a moment, Richard J. I know Ecuador is a South American country. Could you tell me the capital city of it?
19/08/2018 15:06
Let me stop you there a moment, Richard J. I know Ecuador is a South American country. Could you tell me the capital city of it?
You're right Ecuador is a South American country and the capital city is Quito and What about, Where are you from?
20/08/2018 01:18
You're right Ecuador is a South American country and the capital city is Quito and What about, Where are you from?
I'm from Sudan. Be careful, there's the newly created country of South Sudan as well, so don't mix up!
Speaking of capital cities, our capital is Khartoum.
By the way, good luck for the Reds in their game against Palace later on today.
20/08/2018 09:48
I'm from Sudan. Be careful, there's the newly created country of South Sudan as well, so don't mix up!
Speaking of capital cities, our capital is Khartoum.
By the way, good luck for the Reds in their game against Palace later on today.
I didn't know that about your country is good to know it, I'm not going to mix up them.
Thanks I'm sure Liverpool will have a great performance.
20/08/2018 22:07
I didn't know that about your country is good to know it, I'm not going to mix up them.
Thanks I'm sure Liverpool will have a great performance.
And, before I forget, what's your team in Ecuador?
19/08/2018 17:07
Tottenham Hotspur
And, before I forget, what's your team in Ecuador?