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Manchester Utd's Luke Shaw on film.

Lesson 3: Five ways film can improve your English

Lesson 3: Five ways film can improve your English

Welcome to Lesson 3 in Activity Week - Learning English: Films & Football.

Lesson 3 in our activity week on films & football is based on the Premier Skills English Podcast. Jack and Rich talk about the language of films. They discuss two films about football that they really like and introduce lots of vocabulary about movies. They also share five tips that will help you use films to improve your English. The language focus is on passives and film genres. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we also have a new football phrase for you to guess. Enjoy!


If you find the podcast difficult to understand, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time.
Read the transcript and listen at the same time.

Learner training: How to use films to improve your English

Rich: Hey Jack, fancy bumping into you here! What are you up to?

Jack: Probably the same as you - going to the cinema.

Rich: Yes, of course. Well, there’s no football on tonight!

Jack: We just thought we’d turn up and see what’s on. Have you had a look? Anything good on? We could all go together and then get something to eat after?

Rich: That sounds like a plan. I’m looking at the listings now.

Jack: The Black Panther that looks good. I love action movies. 

Rich: Superheroes aren’t really my thing. 

Jack: What about this one … Hey Jude? 

Rich: It’s a musical drama and it’s in Malayalam.

Jack: Oh! I thought it would be about the Beatles or maybe Olivier Giroud! Maybe it’s got subtitles?

Rich: We were thinking about The Shape of Water. It’s just won Best Film and Best Director at the Oscars.

Jack: It’s sci-fi, isn’t it? I’m not into sci-fi that much.

Rich: I think it’s more of a fantasy drama.

Jack: I think we’ll stick with the Black Panther. I tell you what, let’s meet up after, when the films have finished.

Welcome - Films 

Rich: Hello my name’s Rich

Jack: and I’m Jack

Rich: and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Jack: What’s happening this week, Rich?

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we are going to talk about the language of films and talk about how films can help you with your English.

Jack: This podcast is also part of our next Premier Skills English Live Activity Week on the Premier Skills English website where you will see lots of extra pages and activities related to the language of films.

Rich: The activity week starts on Monday the 12th of March so come back to the Premier Skills English website and we will have lots of extra things to help you with your English grammar, vocabulary, listening and reading skills.

Jack: You can register for this activity week and our past activity weeks on the Premier Skills English website now. It’s free, it will help you with your English and if you complete it, you can download a certificate. Click the tab on the menu that says live!

Rich: Finally, don’t forget to listen to the end of this podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.

Topic Focus

Jack: To start this podcast Rich and I are both going to talk about a film we like.

Rich: When we finish we are going to look at some of the language we used in more detail and then we’re going to talk about how watching films can help you with your English.

Jack:  So, Rich, you can go first. Tell us about a film that you have enjoyed. While you are listening we want you to answer two questions: One: What is the name of the film? Two: What type of film is it? 

Rich: The film I’m going to talk about is quite old now. It was made in 2002 and is called Bend it Like Beckham. It’s a comedy or maybe a romantic-comedy that is all about a teenager who wants to be a professional footballer. The problem? though is that she is Indian and a young woman which means she needs to fight lots of racism and sexism to get where she wants to go. As I said, it’s a romantic-comedy so these problems are never dealt with in lots of detail, but it is interesting to see how discrimination happens and how it’s still relevant today. The film is called Bend it like Beckham, but it really means bending the rules and yes, David Beckham is in the film but only right at the end. Actually, the film is more famous because it starred Keira Knightley who has become really famous in films like the Pirates of the Caribbean and more recently Atonement and the Imitation Game. The film was really funny, but I think it also told an important story and that’s why I like it.

Jack: I honestly haven’t seen it. I probably should but I’m not a big fan of romantic comedies or Manchester Utd!

Rich: OK, Jack, now it’s your turn. Tell us about a film that you have enjoyed. While you are listening we want you to answer three questions: One: What is the name of the film? Two: What type of film is it?
Jack: The film I’m going to talk about is also quite old. It’s called Fever Pitch and was originally a book that was written by Nick Hornby who often writes about sport and music and lots of his books have been turned into screenplays. Fever Pitch is a drama that is all about being an Arsenal fan. The book is about one fan’s relationship with football, but the film is about one season - 1989/90, when Arsenal beat Liverpool to the League title, in one of the most exciting title races ever. The plot follows Paul, played by Colin Firth, throughout the season. It has really funny parts but also has lots of drama and romance. If you are a football fan, this film is a must-see. 

Rich: I agree it’s a really good film, but, as a Liverpool fan, I didn’t like the ending!

Language Focus 1 (film genres)

Jack: In the roleplays, one of your questions was to say what type of film we were describing. You probably heard both of us using the word romantic-comedy to describe the film.

Rich: Romantic-comedy is just one type or genre of film. You probably know a lot more. We are now going to test your knowledge of film genres.

Jack: Rich doesn’t know very much about films, so I am going to challenge him. I’m going to give Rich a definition (just music?) of a film genre and he has to say what genre or type of film it is. Your job is to try to answer before Rich does. Ready Rich?

Rich: I’m ready!

Jack: Number one: These films are usually set in the desert in the USA and have cowboys in them.

Rich: Oh yes, er … cowboy films … they’re not called cowboy films are they … er .. westerns … they are westerns.

Jack: You got it in the end. Right, number two: These films are often set in the dark because they don’t have a big budget for special effects. They try to get you hiding behind the sofa or try to make you jump.

Rich: Ah yes … scary movies. I never watched scary movie. I think that was a comedy, wasn’t it … er … scary movies are called horror films!

Jack: Very good, now the last one. Number three: These films are usually about crime or maybe spying and are dramatic.

Rich: A drama?

Jack: No

Rich: Not a drama … er .. spy films like James Bond … that’s an action movie

Jack: Not really like James Bond … more serious

Rich: I’m not sure.

Jack: OK, another clue ... What’s Michael Jackson’s most famous song?

Rich: Thriller. Ah! Thrillers! These films are called thrillers.

Jack: Very good. Did you our listeners get those answers quicker than RIch?

Rich: They probably did. Anyway, below this podcast, we have an activity that helps you with more film language.

Jack: And, if you sign up for our activity week: Learning English: Films and Football and you will learn lots more.

Language Focus 2 (passives)

Rich: When we were talking about films that we liked earlier you might have heard me say: Bend it Like Beckham was made in 2002 and you might have heard Jack say Fever Pitch was written by Nick Hornby.

Jack: When we speak about films we often use the passive. We use the passive because we’re talking about the film - the film is the subject. We aren’t interested in who did the action, or we don’t know, or it is obvious.

Rich: For example, I said Bend it Like Beckham was made in 2002. It wasn’t important to speak about who made the film.

Jack: When I was talking about my film I said Fever Pitch was written by Nick Hornby. Here I used the passive because I wanted to make the film - Fever Pitch the subject of the sentence because I thought it was more important.

Rich: But Jack still included the person who did the action by using the preposition ‘by’. He said Fever Pitch was written by Nick Hornby.

Jack: We create the passive by using the verb to be + the 3rd form of the verb. You can use the passive in the present, past or future or in the continuous form.

Rich: We use the passive to talk about football a lot too. Let’s look at an example.

Jack: Liverpool were given a penalty. 

Rich: Here we are more interested in Liverpool getting a penalty. We’re not that interested in who gave the penalty. And anyway, we know who gave the penalty - it was the referee - we know it, it’s obvious. It would be strange to say ‘the referee gave Liverpool a penalty’ if you were telling someone about what happened in a match.

Jack: We’ve got more information about the passive below and in our Activity Week: Learning English - Football and Films. If you haven’t signed up, you can do that now on the Premier Skills English homepage.

5 ways film can improve your English

Rich: Films can really help you improve your English, but we think that to get the most out of watching films in English you have to be an active listener.

Jack: That’s right. You can’t just sit in the front of the screen with a big tub of popcorn and hope that your English will get better.

Rich: But, it’s good to do that sometimes! 

Jack: Of course! I do it most Friday nights! Films can be really motivating - if you enjoy something you will learn. But, we want to help you with your English and we have five tips that we think will help you get more out of watching a film in English.

Rich: Let’s go!

Jack: Tip number one: Take control when you watch.

Rich: When you are watching at home there are so many things you can do. You can turn subtitles on and off. You can watch and rewatch and you can often even change the speed of the film.

Jack: Students always ask me about subtitles. Watching a film with subtitles will focus you on reading skills and vocabulary while having no subtitles will test your listening skills. 

Rich: And if watching without subtitles is difficult that is when you can take control even more. Listen again or if you’re watching online like on youtube, you can slow down the speed and then afterwards you can put the subtitles on if you want to.

Jack: Tip number two: Search for the script

Rich: It’s easy to find scripts online. is a good website to find scripts. You can then print off sections of a script. Maybe your favourite scenes in a film and practise them.

Jack: You could try to learn one of the parts of a film or read it back when you are watching the film. That could be good fun!

Rich: The script always gives you more information than subtitles, too! 

Jack: Tip number three: Keep a film diary.

Rich: When you watch a film you could have a diary or notebook next to you. While you are watching you could write down interesting phrases and vocabulary.

Jack: And when the film has finished you could write your review of the film in your diary. You could even post your review online and see what other people think and join a discussion.

Rich: I think that’s a great idea. Right, tip number four: Check out websites about film.

Jack: There are lots and lots of websites about film. There is even one that is specifically for English learners. It’s called Film English and is a site that you should tell your English teacher about.

Rich: But other sites such as Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB can also help you learn more about film.

Jack: That brings us to tip number five: Become a film buff

Rich: If you love movies you can learn so much about them online. When you are looking at the websites we just told you about you can find out about the types of films you like, the actors and directors you like and so much about the language of film.

Jack: And talk about films with friends in English. You often watch films with friends and family. If you watch a film in English, why not speak about it in English when it’s finished? 

Football Phrase

Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us this week? 

Jack: Yes, I have, but first, last week’s football phrase. The phrase was last-gasp equaliser. This phrase means a goal that is scored in the very final moment to make the scores level. 

Rich: It was a difficult one but some of you got it right. Well done to Liubomyr from Ukraine, Lakerwang from China, Zanko from Egypt, and Ahmed Adam from Sudan. What’s this week’s football phrase?

Jack: This week’s football phrase is * ******* ******. It is a phrase that is used to describe a team that has won lots of games in a row or consecutively. You might say for example Liverpool are on a six-match ******* ****** which means they have won six matches in a row. You can also say the same when a team loses lots of matches in a row. You could say West Brom are on a bit of * ****** ****** at the moment.

Rich: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below.

Jack: Don’t forget to sign up for our Premier Skills English Live Lessons on the Premier Skills English homepage. Just hit the live tab.

Rich: If you have enjoyed this podcast or found it useful, leave us a rating or review and that will help other people find us. Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

I think we’ll stick with the Black Panther.

 It’s sci-fi, isn’t it? I’m not into sci-fi that much.

There were a few more tricky words in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to the descriptions.
Can you match the words to their definitions?
Rich is not a big fan of action movies or superheroes.


Film Genres

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about the types of films or genres of films they like. Take a look at these example sentences from the podcast: 

A:  It’s sci-fi, isn’t it? I’m not into sci-fi that much. 

B: I think it's more of a fantasy drama

It's a comedy or maybe a romantic-comedy all about a teenager who wants to be a professional footballer.

Do you know what the types of films are in bold? What's your favourite film genre? 

Activity 2: In this activity, try to match the descriptions to each type of film.
Do you know film genres?
This is a western. Do you know any other film genres?


The Passive 

In the podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about the passive. We often use the passive when speaking about films. The structure of the passive is the verb to be + the past participle.  You can use the passive in all tenses; you just need to change the verb to be. Here is an example from the podcast:

Bend it Like Beckham was made in 2002.

It's important to know when to use the passive and not to use it too much. One important thing is to think about is the person or thing that does the action in the sentence. We can call this person or thing the actor in the sentence. A passive sentence doesn't include the actor unless it's at the end of a sentence; often after the preposition by. Let's look at an example:

Nick Hornby wrote Fever Pitch.

Fever Pitch was written by Nick Hornby.

In this example, we can see that the actor is Nick Hornby. In the first sentence, the actor is also the subject of the verb. The sentence is active. In the second sentence, the actor is at the end of the sentence and the subject of the sentence is Fever Pitch, here the sentence is passive. We use the passive because the actor (Nick Hornby) is less important than the subject (Fever Pitch).

There are many other reasons to use the passive and if you have signed up for our Activity Week: Learning English - Football & Film, there is a specific lesson all about using the passive when talking about films.

Activity 2: In this activity, take a look at some sentences about film and football and try to use the passive in the correct form.
Do you know how to use the passive?
When was the last time you went to the cinema?

Learner Training

5 ways film can improve your English

In this week's podcast, Rich and Jack spoke about films and how film can help you when learning English. Think about the advice they gave you and what you do when you watch films in English. Do you use subtitles? Do you want to understand everything that the actors say? How do you do this? Look at the five ways watching films can improve your English. Do you think watching films can help your English?

  1. Take control when you watch. You can watch and rewatch, you can sometimes slow down the speed of the film and you can turn subtitles on and off.
  2. Search for the script. You can find film scripts online and print them out. Use them to practise your favourite scenes in films or to play the role of your favourite actors.
  3. Keep a film diary. Use a notebook to write down new words and phrases while you are watching and write a review of the film when it has finished. 
  4. Film websites. Search for websites that are all about films. These websites can be specifically for English learners or for general use.
  5. Become a film buff. Learn more about movies and become an expert. Learn about your favourite types of film, your favourite actors, photography and special effects.

Did you find these tips useful? Can you think of any other ways that films can help your language skills? When and where do you watch films in English? 

Write your answers in the comments section at the bottom of the page.


Football Phrase

Every week in the podcast, we have a new football phrase for you to guess. Last week's football phrase was last-gasp equaliser.  This phrase means:

a goal that is scored in the very final moment of a match to make the scores level.

Many of our listeners made a guess and well done to those of you who got it right! Congratulations to the following listeners:

  • Liubomyr from Ukraine
  • Lakerwang from China
  • Ahmed Adam from Sudan
  • Zanko from Egypt

Try to guess this week's football phrase and we will mention you on this page next week! You can find the football phrase near the end of the podcast.


Please login to take this quiz.

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What do you think?

In this week’s podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about films and gave you some advice about how to use film to improve your English.

What was the last film you saw? Was it good?

Is the cinema popular in your country? How often do you go to the cinema?

Can you think of a connection between football and film?

Remember to write your guess for this week's football phrase, too!

Leave a comment

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My favorite football movie is Goal. tells the incredible and tortuous trajectory of the young Santiago Muñez, who overcomes numerous difficulties until arriving at Newcastle.
Yes, the cinema is very popular in Brasil.
Connection between football and cinema; depends on the story.

03/08/2018 02:39

My favorite football movie is Goal. tells the incredible and tortuous trajectory of the young Santiago Muñez, who overcomes numerous difficulties until arriving at Newcastle.
Yes, the cinema is very popular in Brasil.
Connection between football and cinema; depends on the story.


The last film that I saw was " The Kissing Booth" and It was good because it tells a story a little different from the ordinary.
In my country the people go to the cinema frequently although I don't go to the cinema because I prefer watch films in my house.
Yes, I think that the football and films have a connection because with some films about this topic I can learn more vocabulary.

03/08/2018 00:46
Manchester United

The last film that I saw was " The Kissing Booth" and It was good because it tells a story a little different from the ordinary.
In my country the people go to the cinema frequently although I don't go to the cinema because I prefer watch films in my house.
Yes, I think that the football and films have a connection because with some films about this topic I can learn more vocabulary.

sayase's picture

The las film that I watched was "Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas". It was good because it talks about another places and not just U.S.A. there were more interesting places.
Yes, it is very popular in Colombia and I often go to the cinemas on the weekend.
No I can't think about a connection between football nad films

sayase's picture
02/08/2018 02:13
Manchester United

The las film that I watched was "Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas". It was good because it talks about another places and not just U.S.A. there were more interesting places.
Yes, it is very popular in Colombia and I often go to the cinemas on the weekend.
No I can't think about a connection between football nad films


Ok, the las film I saw was Jurassic World The Fallen Kingdom, and it was good but not excelent as i wait.
In Colombia the cinema is very important for a lot of people and especially for me, i go to cinema twice in a month maybe thrice

01/08/2018 00:56
Manchester United

Ok, the las film I saw was Jurassic World The Fallen Kingdom, and it was good but not excelent as i wait.
In Colombia the cinema is very important for a lot of people and especially for me, i go to cinema twice in a month maybe thrice


the last film I watch is called impossible mission, if the movie was good. my frequency in the cinema is every eight or fifteen days more than

01/08/2018 00:41

the last film I watch is called impossible mission, if the movie was good. my frequency in the cinema is every eight or fifteen days more than


Well I watched jurassic world the fallen kingdom and I loved it, i could tell you but that would be spoiling XD well, I liked it a lot because it was very nice, and i would be spoiling right?
well very much but they always buy them cheaper but very bad well i go a lot because i have a lot of free time

27/07/2018 03:47
Crystal Palace

Well I watched jurassic world the fallen kingdom and I loved it, i could tell you but that would be spoiling XD well, I liked it a lot because it was very nice, and i would be spoiling right?
well very much but they always buy them cheaper but very bad well i go a lot because i have a lot of free time

leonardobritot's picture

The last film that I watched was Jurassic World "Fallen Kingdom", it was good but I already was waiting even more, because I wanted to watch more scenes with dinosaurs, I in love with these prehistorical animals and the movie wasn't enough for me.

In my country, the people love to go to the cinema, but some of them love to buy pirate movies on the street because they are cheaper.

I use no to go frequently to the cinema, just in special occasions when my favorite movies are released or when I already read the book that inspired the movie.

leonardobritot's picture
27/07/2018 03:47
Manchester United

The last film that I watched was Jurassic World "Fallen Kingdom", it was good but I already was waiting even more, because I wanted to watch more scenes with dinosaurs, I in love with these prehistorical animals and the movie wasn't enough for me.

In my country, the people love to go to the cinema, but some of them love to buy pirate movies on the street because they are cheaper.

I use no to go frequently to the cinema, just in special occasions when my favorite movies are released or when I already read the book that inspired the movie.

Maks Poland

Oof! That was a toughie. 

Maks Poland
29/06/2018 15:32
Manchester United

Oof! That was a toughie. 

hengerics.veronika's picture

The last film I saw was Bridget Jones's Baby. I really enjoyed it, because I like comedies and Colin Firth, too. I think cinemas in hungary are more and more popular, especially in the bigger towns and in the capital. To be honest I don't like cinemas, I prefer watching movies at home.
Football and film are different, but both of them can be a very good program if you want to spend time with your family or with friends. Football phrase... I haven't a clue! :)

hengerics.veronika's picture
04/06/2018 19:05
AFC Bournemouth

The last film I saw was Bridget Jones's Baby. I really enjoyed it, because I like comedies and Colin Firth, too. I think cinemas in hungary are more and more popular, especially in the bigger towns and in the capital. To be honest I don't like cinemas, I prefer watching movies at home.
Football and film are different, but both of them can be a very good program if you want to spend time with your family or with friends. Football phrase... I haven't a clue! :)

aldi.imani's picture

i saw the avengers infinity war, its the best film.. really i love it.
well, the cinema is very popular in indonesia, i go to the cinema once a week. i think football and film have a connection it seems between football and film, these are same. both of them is artistic and can made improve our english skill..

aldi.imani's picture
03/05/2018 14:57
Manchester City

i saw the avengers infinity war, its the best film.. really i love it.
well, the cinema is very popular in indonesia, i go to the cinema once a week. i think football and film have a connection it seems between football and film, these are same. both of them is artistic and can made improve our english skill..

admin's picture

Good job Aldi - no spoilers please!

admin's picture
03/05/2018 16:26
United Kingdom

Good job Aldi - no spoilers please!


The last film I saw, was Real Steel and it was very good.
I think that the cinema is popular in Spain but I don't know exactly. I usually go once or twice a month.
The football and the cinema are different but they can have a relation.

15/04/2018 17:47

The last film I saw, was Real Steel and it was very good.
I think that the cinema is popular in Spain but I don't know exactly. I usually go once or twice a month.
The football and the cinema are different but they can have a relation.


Hi, the last film I Saw las Tomb Raider, I didn't like It so mucho because It has action.
I think cinema isn't the mostrar importante thing un muy country but much people like It. I go yo the cinema one ir two times a month.

06/04/2018 22:13
Leicester City

Hi, the last film I Saw las Tomb Raider, I didn't like It so mucho because It has action.
I think cinema isn't the mostrar importante thing un muy country but much people like It. I go yo the cinema one ir two times a month.


I have already finished other part!
I see you in the next one!

02/04/2018 12:59
Manchester City

I have already finished other part!
I see you in the next one!

Regims's picture

i like thriller, drama and romantic film. it was so good and the last film i have seen is the imitation game, sci-fi genre.
yes, very popular in Indonesia, especially in my town. i usually once a month with my family go to cinema.

actually i am not a football fans, so i dont se the connection beetween it.

Regims's picture
26/03/2018 06:09
Manchester United

i like thriller, drama and romantic film. it was so good and the last film i have seen is the imitation game, sci-fi genre.
yes, very popular in Indonesia, especially in my town. i usually once a month with my family go to cinema.

actually i am not a football fans, so i dont se the connection beetween it.


I saw yesterday Shadow Recruit - Jack Ryan. I like the film, Jack is a special agent of CIA. This film is about espionage, geopolitics...
The cinema is popular in Brazil, but I don't go very much because I live in a small city and don't have a cinema here.

24/03/2018 13:03
Manchester United

I saw yesterday Shadow Recruit - Jack Ryan. I like the film, Jack is a special agent of CIA. This film is about espionage, geopolitics...
The cinema is popular in Brazil, but I don't go very much because I live in a small city and don't have a cinema here.


I finish one more lesson and I like!!
See you in the next lesson.

21/03/2018 16:36
Swansea City

I finish one more lesson and I like!!
See you in the next lesson.

Rich's picture

That's great to hear, Aniita55_!
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
21/03/2018 16:43

That's great to hear, Aniita55_!
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Abdullah hassan

The last film that, I watched is quite old like jack and rich films . This film is catch me if you can, Leo decaprio and tom hanks played the main role, and the film genre maybe drama . I really like this movie and I've watched it several time.
Cinema is very popular in Egypt not just for friends or teenagers but even for elderly as well . I often go to the cinema with my friends, and today my friends and i we decided watching shape of water next holiday, but i hope we'd steak with this plan.
I afraid; i couldn't find a guess for today's phrase.

Abdullah hassan
19/03/2018 17:21

The last film that, I watched is quite old like jack and rich films . This film is catch me if you can, Leo decaprio and tom hanks played the main role, and the film genre maybe drama . I really like this movie and I've watched it several time.
Cinema is very popular in Egypt not just for friends or teenagers but even for elderly as well . I often go to the cinema with my friends, and today my friends and i we decided watching shape of water next holiday, but i hope we'd steak with this plan.
I afraid; i couldn't find a guess for today's phrase.


The child 44 was last film that I saw.First I read book which child 44 written by Tom Rob Smith.I must admit that the film don't be what I expected.The book was more interesting.No matter of that the movie was ok not excelent just ok.Main actor is my favorite tom hardy.What should I say about cinema in my country?Generally people love to go to the cinema in my country.I go to the cinema very rare.I like to watch films at home.I definitely must watch fever pitch it sounds like good movie.I prefer to watch sport movies about basketball,and my favorite film about basketball is glory road.The film is based on true story.
I guess that football phrase for these week is running row or something like that.

15/03/2018 07:33
Manchester United

The child 44 was last film that I saw.First I read book which child 44 written by Tom Rob Smith.I must admit that the film don't be what I expected.The book was more interesting.No matter of that the movie was ok not excelent just ok.Main actor is my favorite tom hardy.What should I say about cinema in my country?Generally people love to go to the cinema in my country.I go to the cinema very rare.I like to watch films at home.I definitely must watch fever pitch it sounds like good movie.I prefer to watch sport movies about basketball,and my favorite film about basketball is glory road.The film is based on true story.
I guess that football phrase for these week is running row or something like that.

Rich's picture

Hi Milos

I think the book is usually better than the film. I can't remember reading a book and seeing a film and ever thinking the film was better. What do you think? I mentioned White Men Can't Jump and Above the Rim in a previous comment. Have you seen them?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
16/03/2018 20:35

Hi Milos

I think the book is usually better than the film. I can't remember reading a book and seeing a film and ever thinking the film was better. What do you think? I mentioned White Men Can't Jump and Above the Rim in a previous comment. Have you seen them?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team


Hi Rich
I think that a book is better than the film.White Men Cant Jump,excelent movie.I watched it again before two weeks.Above the Rim is great movie too.As I said in previous comment I like basketball movies and this two movies are great.

19/03/2018 06:48
Manchester United

Hi Rich
I think that a book is better than the film.White Men Cant Jump,excelent movie.I watched it again before two weeks.Above the Rim is great movie too.As I said in previous comment I like basketball movies and this two movies are great.

elghoul's picture

The best connection I ever find between film and football was in the movie called 'Le coup de tete'. Patrick Deweare played the main role and the director really caught a realistic view of amator football in France.

elghoul's picture
14/03/2018 15:30
Manchester City

The best connection I ever find between film and football was in the movie called 'Le coup de tete'. Patrick Deweare played the main role and the director really caught a realistic view of amator football in France.

LAURITA's picture

The last film I watched was "The Flight", with Denzel Washington as a main star. The truth is that I have already watched lots of times, I consider it is awesome. I strongly recommend it!

In Spain, the cinema is very popular: parents love taking their children to the cinema, couples usually go at the weekends, a lot of friends go together during the week (especially, the Spectator Day, on Wednesday)...

I often go to the cinema, perhaps twice or three tines a month.

You know, there are a lot of films about sports, more in detail, FOOTBALL.

My guess for this week's football phrase is the following one:

That team is on a roll ("en racha")

LAURITA's picture
14/03/2018 11:53
Brighton and Hove Albion

The last film I watched was "The Flight", with Denzel Washington as a main star. The truth is that I have already watched lots of times, I consider it is awesome. I strongly recommend it!

In Spain, the cinema is very popular: parents love taking their children to the cinema, couples usually go at the weekends, a lot of friends go together during the week (especially, the Spectator Day, on Wednesday)...

I often go to the cinema, perhaps twice or three tines a month.

You know, there are a lot of films about sports, more in detail, FOOTBALL.

My guess for this week's football phrase is the following one:

That team is on a roll ("en racha")

elghoul's picture

Hello Laurita. You mean on a run I guess. In Algeria we have not a fantastic culture in cinema like the one you describe. In fact it was better in the fifties when a lots of cinema places were opened featuring Hollywood films translated in French.

elghoul's picture
14/03/2018 15:35
Manchester City

Hello Laurita. You mean on a run I guess. In Algeria we have not a fantastic culture in cinema like the one you describe. In fact it was better in the fifties when a lots of cinema places were opened featuring Hollywood films translated in French.

Rich's picture

Hi Elghoul and Laurita,

On a roll is a great phrase and means the same as on a (fantastic/great/good) run. Good high-level phrases from you both!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
14/03/2018 15:53

Hi Elghoul and Laurita,

On a roll is a great phrase and means the same as on a (fantastic/great/good) run. Good high-level phrases from you both!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture

But neither of these is the phrase that we are looking for!

Rich's picture
16/03/2018 20:32

But neither of these is the phrase that we are looking for!

PACOSAEZ's picture

Hello, the last film that I have seen was spinning man. I think is a good film because you don´t know the final outcome until the end. It´s a thriller with actor like Pierce Brosnan and Guy Pearce and was directed by Simon Kaijser.

Here in Spain going to the cinema is an activity very popular. There are a lot of people waiting to watch  the premieres. Actually I don´t have much free time so I can´t go to the cinema.

The connection between football and film is in the mind of the people, if you go to the stadium and you watch the players like actors and the pitch like a scenary.

PACOSAEZ's picture
13/03/2018 19:25
Manchester United

Hello, the last film that I have seen was spinning man. I think is a good film because you don´t know the final outcome until the end. It´s a thriller with actor like Pierce Brosnan and Guy Pearce and was directed by Simon Kaijser.

Here in Spain going to the cinema is an activity very popular. There are a lot of people waiting to watch  the premieres. Actually I don´t have much free time so I can´t go to the cinema.

The connection between football and film is in the mind of the people, if you go to the stadium and you watch the players like actors and the pitch like a scenary.

Rich's picture

Hi Pacosaez

When you get to the end of week quiz, keep an eye out for your name!!! We use it in one of the questions :)

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
16/03/2018 20:33

Hi Pacosaez

When you get to the end of week quiz, keep an eye out for your name!!! We use it in one of the questions :)

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Vocabulary: Film types

Language: Passives

Learner Training: Five ways film can improve your English