Podcast 44 - The Cruyff Turn
Podcast 44 - The Cruyff Turn

In this week's podcast, Rich and Jack talk about all the latest news from the Premier League and the sad news that one of the greatest ever footballers, Johan Cruyff, has died. We talk about the 'Cruyff Turn' and how to do one. The language focus is on the language of instructions, and the words and phrases you need to tell someone how to do something.
How much did you understand?
In this podcast, Rich and Jack used some vocabulary that might be new for you. Try the activity below to see how much you understand:
"All these Leicester players scoring for their countries will give them lots of confidence for the Premier League run-in."
"I always think playing a dummy shows that a player is intelligent and has awareness of things happening around him."
Football fans from around the world said goodbye and thanks to Johan Cuyff last week, who died at the age of 68.
Language - Giving Instructions
In the podcast, Jack and Rich told you how to perform a 'Cruyff Turn'. When we give instructions we often us the imperative. The imperative form is made by using the bare infinitive of the verb (the infinitive without 'to'). Here is an example from the podcast:
"When you’ve done this, spin about 180 degrees, towards the defender and start running away."
We can also use subjects when giving instructions like this. The subject most commonly used is 'you'. For example:
"Then what you do is, you kick the ball softly with your right foot and you move it behind your left leg."
When giving a series of instructions it's more natural in speech and writing to join the different instructions together with linking words. In the sentences above, the linking words or phrases are 'when you've done this' and 'then what you do is'. There are many different linking words that can be used to describe a sequence of instructions. Three simple, but commonly used ones are 'next', 'after this' and 'then'.
If you want to practise this more, have a go at the activity below or write a short text in the comments section and we will correct it for you.
Leicester City's Shinji Okazaki (pictured), Riyad Mahrez and Jamie Vardy all scored on international duty last week.
Rich: Hello my name’s Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.
Jack: Hi everyone. I’m Jack and every week we talk about football and help you with your English.
Rich: This week, we’re going to talk about one of the greatest ever players from Europe, the latest news from the Premier League and the language focus is on words we use to show how someone to do something.
Jack: And later, Rich will make this week’s Premier League prediction and we have another football word for you to guess in our football vocabulary game.
Rich: Yes, people liked the football game we did last week. Quite a few of you made guesses and also set our listeners challenges of their own. I think from now on we’ll do one football word or phrase a week, what do you think, Jack?
Jack: Yes, that sounds good. Shall we look at last week’s answers?
Rich: Quite a few of you got some of the words right. Elghoul from Algeria, AssemJuve from UAE, Liubomyr from Ukraine and HassanRaja447 from Pakistan all got some of the words right but it was only Nikosonris from Ukraine who worked out all four of the words. Well done Nikosonris!
Jack: Yes, well done to him, a couple of the words were quite tricky. So, what were the answers then?
Rich: Have you forgotten already?
Jack: I remember mine. My phrase was park the bus which means to defend for 90 minutes with all 11 men. As HassanRaja447 said it was a phrase used by Jose Mourinho to describe other teams defending against them. What was your phrase, Rich?
Rich: It was ‘football is a game of two halves’. It’s a real cliche and isn’t meant only in a literal way, that we have two halves of 45 minutes, but that each half is, or can be, very different from each other.
Jack: Yes, commentators use this a lot. And your word was dummy, wasn’t it?
Rich: Yes, I always think playing a dummy shows that a player is intelligent and has awareness of things happening around him. If you let the ball go through your legs and there isn’t another player there you can look a bit stupid.
Jack: Yes, knowing where your teammates are is very important. I like this word ‘awareness’ it means - to know that something exists, that something is there. So, a footballer needs to know where his teammates are on the pitch, he needs to have this awareness.
Rich: But, we use it outside of football, too. We can speak about environmental awareness - that it’s important for people to know about what is good and bad for our planet.
Jack: Yes, things like recycling things and reducing the amount of things we use are very important. And my final word was hat-trick. I thought his was going to be easy but in the end I think it was quite ….tricky for you to answer. A hat-trick of course is when a player scores 3 goals in a match.
Rich: If you wrote a different football word or phrase, have a look at the comments section in last week’s podcast and you can tell us if our answers are correct or not.
Jack: Shall we tell everyone this week’s football word now?
Rich: No, I think that’s enough football vocabulary for now, let’s move on to this week’s football news.
Jack: There weren’t any Premier League matches last weekend. Do we have any Premier League news.
Rich: You’re right, but lots of Premier League players were in action for their countries all over the world.
Jack: And Leicester City’s international players took their good form back home. Riyad Mahrez scored for Algeria in a 6-1 win against Ethiopia, Shinji Okazaki scored for Japan against Afghanistan, and Jamie Vardy scored his first international goal for England against Germany in a 3-2 win.
Rich: And what a goal it was. Vardy’s season just gets better and better. Did you see it?
Jack: It was brilliant. A back-heel flick, I think it’s the best goal I’ve seen this season. All these Leicester players scoring for their countries will give them lots of confidence for the Premier League run-in.
Rich: Run-in, that’s a word we see a lot at this time of the season. It means the last few games of the season for the teams fighting for the title. You often hear the ‘title run-in’ or just the ‘run-in’. It’s informal because I couldn’t find it in a dictionary but if you google it it’s used by a lot of newspapers.
Jack: Yes, it will give those players some confidence but Tottenham’s players are ready for the run-in, too. Eric Dier scored the winner in that game against Germany and Harry Kane scored a special goal, too.
Rich: Yes, some people said that he did a ‘Cruyff turn’ before he scored. And after the match Kane spoke about the goal and Johan Cruyff, who died last week at the age of 68.
Jack: Kane said that it was very sad news about Cruyff and that it was nice to do a Cruyff turn and score a goal.
Rich: Yes, many people have been talking about Cruyff this week and paying their respects. I think most people agree that he was one of the best, if not the best, European player ever.
Jack: And not many players have got a football action named after them. In fact, I can’t think of any other player that has an action named after him.
Rich: I have to be honest, but I’m never sure what a Cruyff turn is. What is a Cruyff turn and how do we do it?
Jack: Right, Rich has been doing a bit of research and finding out what a Cruyff turn is. Haven’t you, Rich?
Rich: Yes, I’ve been practising them in my garden with zero success! So, instead we’re going to explain what a Cruyff turn is and then we’re going to look at some of the language of explaining how to do something.
Jack: I want everyone to imagine this situation in your heads. I want you to close your eyes and try to see what we say. You are the player with the ball. We’ll speak quite slowly and when we’ve finished, have a look at the video below/link on the side of the page to see if what you imagined is similar to the instructions you follow here.
Rich: First of all, let’s think about the situation. Imagine that you have the ball at your feet and a defender is coming to tackle you.
Jack: The first thing you do is pull back your right foot and make it look like you are going to pass the ball to another player. This is a type of dummy because you are not going to do this.
Rich: Then what you do is, you kick the ball softly with your right foot and you move it behind your left leg.
Jack: When you’ve done this, spin about 180 degrees, towards the defender and start running away from him with the ball.
Rich: The defender runs the opposite way and looks a bit silly because he thought you were going to kick the ball in that direction. You now have some space to run into.
Jack: Right, OK. You can open your eyes now. Did you follow the instructions OK? Pause the podcast and have a look at the video of Cruyff Turn. Is it the same as what was in your head?
Rich: That was fun. In my head, I’m now running down the pitch to score the winning goal for Liverpool against Borussia Dortmund next week!
Jack: We used quite a lot of language for giving instructions there. The first thing I notice is that we often use the imperative when giving instructions. The imperative is the infinitive without ‘to’. So, Rich said: ‘kick the ball softly’ and ‘move it behind your left leg’ and I said ‘spin about 180 degrees’.
Rich: We use the imperative for all types of instructions. We could tell people how to make a cake using verbs like ‘use’, ‘mix’, ‘pour’ and ‘heat’.
Jack: Or how to change a tyre on a car using verbs like ‘put’, ‘raise’, ‘take off’ and ‘put on’.
Rich: The other thing I noticed was how we link the different instructions together. To begin you said ‘the first thing you do is’ but you can also say things like ‘first of all’, ‘firstly’ or ‘to start with’.
Jack: To link the different steps together we use linking words like: ‘next’, ‘then’, ‘after this’. We might say ‘firstly’ at the beginning but we don’t usually say ‘secondly’ or ‘thirdly’ it doesn’t sound very natural. It’s better to say something like ‘then what you do is’ or ‘when you’ve done this’.
Rich: Right, that brings us to our questions for this week. Question 1: Was Johan Cruyff the best European player ever? Who is the best ever player from each continent? Who is the best ever player from your country?
Jack: Question 2: Johan Cruyff had a football action named after him. Can you think of anybody in or out of football that has had an action named after them?
Rich: Question 3: We tried to tell you how to perform a Cruyff Turn. Can you tell us how to do something? It can be anything you want but try to use the imperative and linking words when you are describing the steps.
Jack: And remember, if you want us to correct your comments just write ‘correct me’ at the beginning of your message.
Rich: We said that we would give you another football word or phrase to guess this week. Have you got one, Jack?
Jack: Yes, I do. Alright, this week, I’m going to do a phrase. The phrase is a bullet header. It’s a type of goal that is scored with the head but it’s not a normal headed goal because this type of headed goal is very, very powerful. To make it sound more powerful and faster we use the thing you put in a gun to describe it. Last weekend, Tottenham’s Eric Dier scored a bullet header to win the match against Germany.
Rich: Nice phrase Jack. I really like those herders that give the goalkeeper absolutely no chance!
Jack: Have you got a prediction this week, Rich?
Rich: Right, yes. This weekend the big match in the Premier League is Liverpool v Tottenham. Spurs have to win if they want to keep up the pressure on Leicester at the top. Liverpool have a small chance of finishing in the top four but they might be thinking about their match against Borussia Dortmund a few days later. I think Spurs will win this one with Kane on the scoresheet again. Final score: Liverpool 1-2 Tottenham.
Jack: Right, anyway that’s it for today - we’ve run out of time! Thanks for listening. And don’t forget to write your answers to our questions, your predictions and anything you want to say about the website or football English in the comments below.
Rich: Don’t forget if you sign in, you can score points to see if you can get your club, your country and your name to the top of our leaderboard.
Jack: Bye for now and enjoy your football!
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What do you think?
In this week’s podcast we spoke about Johan Cruyff.
Was Johan Cruyff the best European player ever? Who is the best ever player from each continent? Who is the best ever player from your country?
Johan Cruyff had a football action named after him. Can you think of anybody in or out of football that has had an action named after them?
We tried to tell you how to perform a 'Cruyff Turn'. Can you tell us how to do something? It can be anything you want, but try to use the imperative and linking words when you are describing the steps.
Rich predicts that Tottenham will beat Liverpool 2-1 in this weekend's big Premier League match. Do you agree?
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The best player ever in my country is Zidane without any doubt.
Maybe Mbappe will beat a lot of record but not sure he will be as good as Zidane.
14/10/2022 16:08
The best player ever in my country is Zidane without any doubt.
Maybe Mbappe will beat a lot of record but not sure he will be as good as Zidane.
Johan Cruyff is not the best European player but his influence on the game was incredible as a player but also as a coach.
14/10/2022 16:06
Johan Cruyff is not the best European player but his influence on the game was incredible as a player but also as a coach.
What do you think?
1-He was one of the best player. Pele and Messi-America, George Best -Europe, Salif Keita-Africa, Son Min -Asia and Metin Oktay from my country.
2- In football, I remember “Bosman Rule” that related to the transfer of the players.
3-Stand up, stretch out your hands, bend your knees move your body down and up I mean squat movement. Look at the horizontal line while doing it.
• From now on, people'll be more awareness of the viruses , care about hygiene and work out health problems without delay.
• Some players let the ball go through their legs because they are sure that one of teammate is exist behind her/him. It's needed more practise and good communication for this.
23/06/2021 10:53
Tottenham Hotspur
What do you think?
1-He was one of the best player. Pele and Messi-America, George Best -Europe, Salif Keita-Africa, Son Min -Asia and Metin Oktay from my country.
2- In football, I remember “Bosman Rule” that related to the transfer of the players.
3-Stand up, stretch out your hands, bend your knees move your body down and up I mean squat movement. Look at the horizontal line while doing it.
• From now on, people'll be more awareness of the viruses , care about hygiene and work out health problems without delay.
• Some players let the ball go through their legs because they are sure that one of teammate is exist behind her/him. It's needed more practise and good communication for this.
Hi Rich! Technology is amazing. I've been working on the podcasts which are made five years ago. I used to work BBC English Learning pages on this dates.
Thanks to all members of this team for their best efforts.Bye.
22/06/2021 11:22
Tottenham Hotspur
Hi Rich! Technology is amazing. I've been working on the podcasts which are made five years ago. I used to work BBC English Learning pages on this dates.
Thanks to all members of this team for their best efforts.Bye.
I would go for a draw between Liverpool and Spurs
12/05/2020 06:33
Manchester United
I would go for a draw between Liverpool and Spurs
I will talk about the step of the free kick of Beckham
Bend it like Beckham
1. Focus
Glance up the goal , consider the angle of the kick and the position of the goalkeeper and the wall then decide where are you going to place it
2. Place it
Some players go to power. Try to lift the ball over the wall with enough spin that it dips just under the bar.
To do this you need to approach the ball from an angle so when you kick it you twist your body and spin the ball
3. Set Yourself
Don't go back for a long run because you will focus on precision not power. Just take two or three steps back with arm stretching to give you enough balance
4. The Run-Up
Don't look at the goal as you begin to run-up as you should know where it is by now. Keep your eyes focused on the ball only
5. Striking The Ball
Make a contact on the bottom right side of the ball scooping it up then putting a pin on it with the inside of your foot.
Bend your non-kicking knee and lean back slightly as you take the kick as it will give the ball enough lift to go over the wall
6. Follow Through
Follow through with your kicking leg and keep your other foot firmly planted on the ground for balance. Then look up to see the ball sails into the right corner and the crowd goes mad :)
Actually I tried this technique several times and it was mostly successful as I scored some stunning free kicks in my local league here in Turkey
Thanks for reading
12/05/2020 06:32
Manchester United
I will talk about the step of the free kick of Beckham
Bend it like Beckham
1. Focus
Glance up the goal , consider the angle of the kick and the position of the goalkeeper and the wall then decide where are you going to place it
2. Place it
Some players go to power. Try to lift the ball over the wall with enough spin that it dips just under the bar.
To do this you need to approach the ball from an angle so when you kick it you twist your body and spin the ball
3. Set Yourself
Don't go back for a long run because you will focus on precision not power. Just take two or three steps back with arm stretching to give you enough balance
4. The Run-Up
Don't look at the goal as you begin to run-up as you should know where it is by now. Keep your eyes focused on the ball only
5. Striking The Ball
Make a contact on the bottom right side of the ball scooping it up then putting a pin on it with the inside of your foot.
Bend your non-kicking knee and lean back slightly as you take the kick as it will give the ball enough lift to go over the wall
6. Follow Through
Follow through with your kicking leg and keep your other foot firmly planted on the ground for balance. Then look up to see the ball sails into the right corner and the crowd goes mad :)
Actually I tried this technique several times and it was mostly successful as I scored some stunning free kicks in my local league here in Turkey
Thanks for reading
The Trofeo Pichichi
In Spanish football, the Trofeo Pichichi is awarded by the sports newspaper Marca to the top goalscorer of each La Liga season. Named after the Athletic Bilbao striker Rafael "Pichichi" Moreno, the trophy has been awarded annually since the 1952–53 season.
12/05/2020 06:19
Manchester United
The Trofeo Pichichi
In Spanish football, the Trofeo Pichichi is awarded by the sports newspaper Marca to the top goalscorer of each La Liga season. Named after the Athletic Bilbao striker Rafael "Pichichi" Moreno, the trophy has been awarded annually since the 1952–53 season.
Best Player in my country is current country is Hakan Sukur
and in my original country is Mohamed Salah and Mohamed Abutrika
12/05/2020 06:18
Manchester United
Best Player in my country is current country is Hakan Sukur
and in my original country is Mohamed Salah and Mohamed Abutrika
I think Zinedine Zidane is the best European player ever then Cristiano Ronaldo
In North America : Landon Donovan - Javier Hernandez
South America : Lionel Messi - Diego Maradona
Europe : Zinedine Zidane - Cristiano Ronaldo
Asia : Park Ji-Song - Heung-Min Son
Africa : Mohamed Salah - Didier Drogba
Australia : Harry Kewell - Tim Cahill
12/05/2020 06:16
Manchester United
I think Zinedine Zidane is the best European player ever then Cristiano Ronaldo
In North America : Landon Donovan - Javier Hernandez
South America : Lionel Messi - Diego Maradona
Europe : Zinedine Zidane - Cristiano Ronaldo
Asia : Park Ji-Song - Heung-Min Son
Africa : Mohamed Salah - Didier Drogba
Australia : Harry Kewell - Tim Cahill
First of all, it's great to be back!
I think the best European player ever is Zinedine Zidane, even when he ended his career with a wrong head kick. In my opinion, the best player in South America is Lionel Messi for he has abilities worth of the title "the best football player in the world". I'm an Antonio Valencia's fan and think he is the very best of our country.
In WWE there are lots of movements named after some famous wrestlers such as the undertaker's last breath or Triple H's pedigree.
Now, I will teach you how to plant a tree!
1. First, buy a plant, flower or tree of your liking.
2. Then choose a spot were you would like to plant it.
3. When you have done the previous steps, remove the soil in the spot you previously chose.
4. Next, dig a hole a little deeper and wider than your plant.
5. If the soil is dry, fill the hole with water and wait until two thirds of it had disappeared, if the soil is wet don't water it.
6. Take the surronding plastic off the roots of your plant, and carefully put it into the hole.
7. After that, fill the remaning space with soil and firmly press around the plant for leaving it well founded.
8. Finally, water your plant and do not forget to take care of it in a continuos basis.
I predict a Liverpool win, Liverpool 2, Tottenham 1
04/04/2016 09:41
First of all, it's great to be back!
I think the best European player ever is Zinedine Zidane, even when he ended his career with a wrong head kick. In my opinion, the best player in South America is Lionel Messi for he has abilities worth of the title "the best football player in the world". I'm an Antonio Valencia's fan and think he is the very best of our country.
In WWE there are lots of movements named after some famous wrestlers such as the undertaker's last breath or Triple H's pedigree.
Now, I will teach you how to plant a tree!
1. First, buy a plant, flower or tree of your liking.
2. Then choose a spot were you would like to plant it.
3. When you have done the previous steps, remove the soil in the spot you previously chose.
4. Next, dig a hole a little deeper and wider than your plant.
5. If the soil is dry, fill the hole with water and wait until two thirds of it had disappeared, if the soil is wet don't water it.
6. Take the surronding plastic off the roots of your plant, and carefully put it into the hole.
7. After that, fill the remaning space with soil and firmly press around the plant for leaving it well founded.
8. Finally, water your plant and do not forget to take care of it in a continuos basis.
I predict a Liverpool win, Liverpool 2, Tottenham 1
Welcome back Rafael
04/04/2016 15:58
Welcome back Rafael
i think that best player is alan shearer and frank lampard
01/04/2016 16:48
i think that best player is alan shearer and frank lampard
hallo friends
i think totenham will win
liverpool vs totenham 1-2
01/04/2016 16:47
hallo friends
i think totenham will win
liverpool vs totenham 1-2
1. In my opinion, I don’t think that Johan Cruyff (RIP for his soul) is the best European player ever, for the simple reason that time always gives us new talents in all specialties, so we can’t guess who will be the ever best of tomorrow. In my country, players are not so good, especially in last years, but there is a player, whose name will be not mentioned, because he’s the best for his stupidity. I don’t know why he still plays!
2. Alfred Bernhard Nobel (21 October 1833 – 10 December 1896) has had an action named after him. He was a Swedish chemist. On 27 November 1895, Nobel signed his last will and testament and set aside the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel Prizes, to be awarded annually without distinction of nationality.
3. I will tell you how preparing a delicious couscous which is our best traditional food (instructions translated from French, I hope that I don’t make a lot of mistakes):
First of all, put the lamb meat previously spiced in a pan, and cook it. Then what you do is peeling and slicing all the vegetables. After that, brown them in the meat juice: to start with peppers and carrots, then turnips, cabbage bleached in advance, zucchini and chickpeas. In the next step, add the tomato sauce with salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, and all spices wanted, then cover with water. Reduce heat and let all ingredients cooking about 1h30.
To prepare the seed, mix it with salt and oil to coat the grains of fats so they don't stick. After that pour boiling water to cover seeds and let them rise.
Finally, eat it! Emmm, delicious!
4. Rich predicts that Tottenham will beat Liverpool 2-1 in this weekend's big Premier League match. I agree, but I guess that the result will be 3-1.
5. Would you please make for us a lesson talking about ‘ever’. This word is used excessively in club’s articles, but it’s not clear how to use it and where putting it in the sentence. Its meaning is the opposite of ‘never’, but ‘never’ is so simple and clear.
6. Could you explain to us the difference between colleague and ‘mate’, I know three words with ‘mate’: teammate, classmate and housemate.
7. Thank you a lot!
31/03/2016 23:34
Newcastle United
1. In my opinion, I don’t think that Johan Cruyff (RIP for his soul) is the best European player ever, for the simple reason that time always gives us new talents in all specialties, so we can’t guess who will be the ever best of tomorrow. In my country, players are not so good, especially in last years, but there is a player, whose name will be not mentioned, because he’s the best for his stupidity. I don’t know why he still plays!
2. Alfred Bernhard Nobel (21 October 1833 – 10 December 1896) has had an action named after him. He was a Swedish chemist. On 27 November 1895, Nobel signed his last will and testament and set aside the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel Prizes, to be awarded annually without distinction of nationality.
3. I will tell you how preparing a delicious couscous which is our best traditional food (instructions translated from French, I hope that I don’t make a lot of mistakes):
First of all, put the lamb meat previously spiced in a pan, and cook it. Then what you do is peeling and slicing all the vegetables. After that, brown them in the meat juice: to start with peppers and carrots, then turnips, cabbage bleached in advance, zucchini and chickpeas. In the next step, add the tomato sauce with salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, and all spices wanted, then cover with water. Reduce heat and let all ingredients cooking about 1h30.
To prepare the seed, mix it with salt and oil to coat the grains of fats so they don't stick. After that pour boiling water to cover seeds and let them rise.
Finally, eat it! Emmm, delicious!
4. Rich predicts that Tottenham will beat Liverpool 2-1 in this weekend's big Premier League match. I agree, but I guess that the result will be 3-1.
5. Would you please make for us a lesson talking about ‘ever’. This word is used excessively in club’s articles, but it’s not clear how to use it and where putting it in the sentence. Its meaning is the opposite of ‘never’, but ‘never’ is so simple and clear.
6. Could you explain to us the difference between colleague and ‘mate’, I know three words with ‘mate’: teammate, classmate and housemate.
7. Thank you a lot!
Hi Haydi
Thanks for your couscous recipe. I'll have a go at cooking it and let you know how it tastes! The word 'ever' is interesting and can be used in a number of different ways. In the club articles it is often used for emphasis when we say he was 'the best ever' for example. I think we should look at it in a lesson, yes!
'Colleague' is usually used for work as in 'work colleague' and is quite formal. 'Mate' is informal and means 'friend' but you can also say 'workmate' which is the same as colleague but more informal and friendly.
04/04/2016 08:33
Hi Haydi
Thanks for your couscous recipe. I'll have a go at cooking it and let you know how it tastes! The word 'ever' is interesting and can be used in a number of different ways. In the club articles it is often used for emphasis when we say he was 'the best ever' for example. I think we should look at it in a lesson, yes!
'Colleague' is usually used for work as in 'work colleague' and is quite formal. 'Mate' is informal and means 'friend' but you can also say 'workmate' which is the same as colleague but more informal and friendly.
I think Lionel Messi is one of the contenders for the 'Best World Football Player Ever' title.
31/03/2016 12:36
I think Lionel Messi is one of the contenders for the 'Best World Football Player Ever' title.
Thinking of the best football players in Ukraine I must say that two of them are worth mentioning: Oleh Blokhin (pre-independence period) and Andriy Shevchenko (post-independence period).
31/03/2016 12:31
Thinking of the best football players in Ukraine I must say that two of them are worth mentioning: Oleh Blokhin (pre-independence period) and Andriy Shevchenko (post-independence period).
I think this week's phrase is a b***** header.
31/03/2016 12:20
I think this week's phrase is a b***** header.
@Nikosonris You got it!
31/03/2016 13:05
@Nikosonris You got it!
What about the 'Stunning header'?
30/03/2016 22:08
What about the 'Stunning header'?
@aragorn1986 A 'stunning header' would be a fantastic goal but not necessarily powerful so it isn't the one that I'm thinking of
30/03/2016 22:20
@aragorn1986 A 'stunning header' would be a fantastic goal but not necessarily powerful so it isn't the one that I'm thinking of
A 'b***** header' then? I think I've heard it somewhere.
31/03/2016 01:19
A 'b***** header' then? I think I've heard it somewhere.
@Aragorn1986 You've got it! Well done!
31/03/2016 07:24
@Aragorn1986 You've got it! Well done!
In terms of the best Spanish player ever I think I haven't watched and witnessed enough football to judge that. However, for what I saw and also because of the track record I would say that one of the best Spanish players I ever seen is Xavi Hernández. He was always very calmly and wise, and that used to let him control most of games he played.
30/03/2016 19:54
Manchester City
In terms of the best Spanish player ever I think I haven't watched and witnessed enough football to judge that. However, for what I saw and also because of the track record I would say that one of the best Spanish players I ever seen is Xavi Hernández. He was always very calmly and wise, and that used to let him control most of games he played.
I can also think of other actions or skills that were named after a player. For example, the "Zidane roulette" or the "elastica of Ronaldinho" became really famous a few years ago.
30/03/2016 19:46
Manchester City
I can also think of other actions or skills that were named after a player. For example, the "Zidane roulette" or the "elastica of Ronaldinho" became really famous a few years ago.
I know for Pele runaround move; A blind pass performed by Magic Johnson or Pump fake mastered by Kobe Bryant.
30/03/2016 19:36
I know for Pele runaround move; A blind pass performed by Magic Johnson or Pump fake mastered by Kobe Bryant.
'The Seal Dribble'. The first thing you do is flicking the ball from the ground onto your head. Then what you do is proceeding to run past opponent and above all to control the ball. You should try to bounce the ball on top of your forehead all the time. It is very difficult to perform but it is possible and some brazilian players enjoy in this dribble..
30/03/2016 19:30
'The Seal Dribble'. The first thing you do is flicking the ball from the ground onto your head. Then what you do is proceeding to run past opponent and above all to control the ball. You should try to bounce the ball on top of your forehead all the time. It is very difficult to perform but it is possible and some brazilian players enjoy in this dribble..
Correct me. I didn't see him play any game but I have seen some of the best plays of him and were amazing, I would also add that by what people say, Johan Cruyff was one of the best players of his time.
The "Cruyff turn" was an outsanding movement that would let any defender out of action.
30/03/2016 19:23
Manchester City
Correct me. I didn't see him play any game but I have seen some of the best plays of him and were amazing, I would also add that by what people say, Johan Cruyff was one of the best players of his time.
The "Cruyff turn" was an outsanding movement that would let any defender out of action.
Hi SalvaGH
I've rewritten your comment below. Have a look and see if you can spot any differences.
I never saw him in action but I've seen some of his best moments and they were amazing. I'd also like to add that Cruyff was one of the best players of his time. The 'Cruyff Turn' was an outstanding action that would get him past even the best defender!
04/04/2016 08:26
Hi SalvaGH
I've rewritten your comment below. Have a look and see if you can spot any differences.
I never saw him in action but I've seen some of his best moments and they were amazing. I'd also like to add that Cruyff was one of the best players of his time. The 'Cruyff Turn' was an outstanding action that would get him past even the best defender!
Your comment looks certainly much better than mine, I take note of it. Thank you very much!
06/04/2016 13:19
Manchester City
Your comment looks certainly much better than mine, I take note of it. Thank you very much!
I agree with Rich in that Tottneham is going to win the match against Liverpool but I think it's going to be a different result. Final score: Liverpool 1- 3 Tottenham.
30/03/2016 19:17
Manchester City
I agree with Rich in that Tottneham is going to win the match against Liverpool but I think it's going to be a different result. Final score: Liverpool 1- 3 Tottenham.
The best players from each continent could be: Z.Zidane - Europe, G.Weah - Africa, H.Nakata - Asia, D.Maradona - S.America, T.Howard - N.America, H.Kewell - Australia. But it is quite difficult to limit the list on one player. This is just one of the possible options indeed. The best players ever from my country are Dejan Savicevic and Pedja Mijatovic.
30/03/2016 19:16
The best players from each continent could be: Z.Zidane - Europe, G.Weah - Africa, H.Nakata - Asia, D.Maradona - S.America, T.Howard - N.America, H.Kewell - Australia. But it is quite difficult to limit the list on one player. This is just one of the possible options indeed. The best players ever from my country are Dejan Savicevic and Pedja Mijatovic.
I really wouldn't know the answer. There are many types of techniques, skills and characters. One thing is for certain: One of the best ever and perhaps the best football innovator was J.Cruyff!
30/03/2016 19:06
I really wouldn't know the answer. There are many types of techniques, skills and characters. One thing is for certain: One of the best ever and perhaps the best football innovator was J.Cruyff!
I think that the word is 'blasting header'.
30/03/2016 16:55
I think that the word is 'blasting header'.
A good guess @Liubomyr but not the correct answer. We do 'blast' a football but it's a powerful shot rather than a header. For example, we might say, 'he blasted the ball past the keeper'.
30/03/2016 20:17
A good guess @Liubomyr but not the correct answer. We do 'blast' a football but it's a powerful shot rather than a header. For example, we might say, 'he blasted the ball past the keeper'.
Zidane is better than Johan Cruyff as a player but Cruyff was better as a manager and a new football practitioner with his playing total football. Pele is the best player in the world and Lalmas the best Algerian player.
Assad salah has a turn. He did like this : First push the ball gently all along your right leg, then have it swiftly back with the same leg and run in your other leg direction letting your defender fixed. It is better made when yours legs are tall like Assad's one's.
I agree with Rich for Spurs winner but I think the final score will be 3.1.
My guess is a b***** header.
30/03/2016 15:38
Manchester City
Zidane is better than Johan Cruyff as a player but Cruyff was better as a manager and a new football practitioner with his playing total football. Pele is the best player in the world and Lalmas the best Algerian player.
Assad salah has a turn. He did like this : First push the ball gently all along your right leg, then have it swiftly back with the same leg and run in your other leg direction letting your defender fixed. It is better made when yours legs are tall like Assad's one's.
I agree with Rich for Spurs winner but I think the final score will be 3.1.
My guess is a b***** header.
@elghoul Well done, you guessed this week's football phrase. I've edited your answer to give others a chance to guess the right answer!
30/03/2016 20:20
@elghoul Well done, you guessed this week's football phrase. I've edited your answer to give others a chance to guess the right answer!
QS.3 creating a singlet from your shirt you do not want to wear any more
to begin, mark out the singlet shape from your shirt with a pencil
next cut out the excess of the shirt so the singlet can be easily made out
finally sew the edges to prevent the strands from falling out
30/03/2016 12:36
Manchester United
QS.3 creating a singlet from your shirt you do not want to wear any more
to begin, mark out the singlet shape from your shirt with a pencil
next cut out the excess of the shirt so the singlet can be easily made out
finally sew the edges to prevent the strands from falling out
QS.1 I think the best ever European player is zidane.
Best African player is George Oppong Weah of Liberia
Best Ghanaian player is Abedi Pele
30/03/2016 12:31
Manchester United
QS.1 I think the best ever European player is zidane.
Best African player is George Oppong Weah of Liberia
Best Ghanaian player is Abedi Pele
1- I didn't watch Johan Cruyff playing so I don't know how better he was. I have some players from all continents in my mind but I am a fan of Messi. Unfortunately, my country is not good in football, so I can't name any best player.
2- I was watching an instructive football video, and the instructor do "a maradona move". He said he call it Maradona move, other may call it different.
3- I have many football tricks in my mind, but find it quite difficult to write.
I don't want Tottenham to win, because I want Leicester to win the league, and because Liverpool is my favorite club in Premier league.
30/03/2016 12:23
1- I didn't watch Johan Cruyff playing so I don't know how better he was. I have some players from all continents in my mind but I am a fan of Messi. Unfortunately, my country is not good in football, so I can't name any best player.
2- I was watching an instructive football video, and the instructor do "a maradona move". He said he call it Maradona move, other may call it different.
3- I have many football tricks in my mind, but find it quite difficult to write.
I don't want Tottenham to win, because I want Leicester to win the league, and because Liverpool is my favorite club in Premier league.
1.Johan cruyff was the best players in Europe.
I think the best player from each continent are Drogba in Africa, ronaldinho in South America , Hidetoshi Nakata in Asia.
In Japan the best player is also Hidetoshi Nakata!
30/03/2016 09:02
Manchester United
1.Johan cruyff was the best players in Europe.
I think the best player from each continent are Drogba in Africa, ronaldinho in South America , Hidetoshi Nakata in Asia.
In Japan the best player is also Hidetoshi Nakata!
I think that best player in South Korea is Bum-gun Cha who former Bundesliga player. Because he has scored 98 goals at 308 games in Bundesliga and he is UEFA cup champion in Eintracht Frankfurt, Bayer Leverkusen.
Marseille turn also known as "Zidane turn" It was very beautiful 360 degree turn.
I predict that Liverpool get win against Tottenham 3-1.
30/03/2016 06:32
I think that best player in South Korea is Bum-gun Cha who former Bundesliga player. Because he has scored 98 goals at 308 games in Bundesliga and he is UEFA cup champion in Eintracht Frankfurt, Bayer Leverkusen.
Marseille turn also known as "Zidane turn" It was very beautiful 360 degree turn.
I predict that Liverpool get win against Tottenham 3-1.
At first,draw right foot, feints a pass back down the pitch, feints a pass back down the pitch, feints a pass back down the pitch, feints a pass back down the pitch .
29/03/2016 23:50
Leicester City
At first,draw right foot, feints a pass back down the pitch, feints a pass back down the pitch, feints a pass back down the pitch, feints a pass back down the pitch .
I know Panenka's penalty after him.
29/03/2016 23:46
Leicester City
I know Panenka's penalty after him.
I think he wasn't.The best ever player in Europe is Cristiano Ronaldo.in South America is Diego Armando Maradona and in Africa is Didier Drogba.
29/03/2016 23:45
Leicester City
I think he wasn't.The best ever player in Europe is Cristiano Ronaldo.in South America is Diego Armando Maradona and in Africa is Didier Drogba.
It's very bad news. However I don't agree that Cruyff was the best European player ever. Rather than one of the best. In my country the best player is Henrich Mchitaryan, One of the bests are Yura Movsisyan and Gevorg Ghazaryan.
29/03/2016 20:54
Manchester United
It's very bad news. However I don't agree that Cruyff was the best European player ever. Rather than one of the best. In my country the best player is Henrich Mchitaryan, One of the bests are Yura Movsisyan and Gevorg Ghazaryan.
I predict a draw. Tottenham 2 Liverpool 2.
29/03/2016 19:07
I predict a draw. Tottenham 2 Liverpool 2.
A player who is called paninka made a different way to shot the penalty and it is cold the spoon.
29/03/2016 17:18
A player who is called paninka made a different way to shot the penalty and it is cold the spoon.
The phrase that Jack said is Powerful header.
29/03/2016 15:46
The phrase that Jack said is Powerful header.
@assemjuve Have another guess!
30/03/2016 20:21
@assemjuve Have another guess!